Friday, November 8, 2013

Capital Punishment

have really started to become disappointed in humans. 
Every year it seems that people get more selfish, greedy, lazy and just flat out stupid. 
Don't agree, turn on the news!  
And it's because of the simple fact that the stupid lazy people are the ones breeding. 
There should be laws in place to stop this. But clearly that does not happen. 

But even they tried to pass laws, all the stupid... I mean bleeding hearts out there would jump up and fight for the rights of these humans that really should not be allowed to breed at all…..

Imean, we have seen it before. Someone wants to fight for the rights of the murderer. That an eye for an eye solves nothing. 

Oh it does. 
Especially with rapists, murders and child molesters. 

Capital punishment would stop these wastes of space from repeating their crimes.  
And let’s be honest, it’s not like they get arrested and stay in jail forever. 

Good example..... Phillip Garrido. 

Don't know who I am talking about. Well figures. You live under a rock in la la land. 

He was in jail for a brutal rape. His victim survived. He beat and raped her for hours in a storage unit. Un-masked. 
He thought he left her for dead. But she survived.... 
So he does a little time.....Gets released and then proceeds to ruin the life of Jaycee Dugard and her family despite social workers and many calls to the police that a "WOMAN WAS LIVING IN HIS BACKYARD". 
Someone's ass better have gotten fired... 
This man should have been 6 feet under a long time ago. Instead, some assholes let him out to again do as he pleased. 

Personally.... I think they should all get best and raped before they get to decide to release this animal into the wild.

I bet your perspective may change! 
Actually, I know it will.

So being back real punishment! I know innocent people are convicted. But I am talking about those cases we know.

Phillip Garrido... His victim saw his face for hours. This was not a mistake. Not was it the first. Yet he was released.
Even now, despite kidnapping Jaycee Dugard at age 11 and raping her and holding her hostage for 18 years.... He lives.
He is a monster! 
Throw him in a cage and leave him there till he dies. He deserves to suffer! To be trapped, combined. He deserves no mercy. There is no doubt what he did.

Instead.... While there are kids all over the world starving...homeless.... Cold....  

This monster will be fed. He will have shelter. He will have air. 

Why?!?!? It's wrong.
Kill him! 

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