Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Jeffrey Pyne - Murderer?

So I just watched Dateline this past week. The case was about convicted murdered Jeffrey Pyne.

Interesting story about the “perfect son” turned murdered. Or so the headlines like us to believe.
Now, when I first started watching the show, I was leaning towards dad as the murdered.
That was until I saw Jeffrey’s hands. I have had skin torn off, and my hands bled and then scabbed over.
Blisters on the other hand do not bleed and that is what Jeff clearly had on his hands.

Now where I do differ of opinion in this case.

There are those that think he is innocent. I don’t agree.
There are those that think he was guilty and many that think he deserves to be in jail. I don’t agree. 
I think he is guilty but I don’t think he deserves jail.

This was a kid who lived in fear. 
His mother was bi-polar and when she was not on her medication, she was dangerous. 
She did try to kill him remember. 
This was not a mother who just screamed and acted irrational. 

She tried to kill him. 
This changes everything to me.
When a child who lived in fear murders the parent(s) that cause that fear, it to me is not just murder.
It’s self-defense,  revenge, fear.  It is very different to me.
Yes, kids are abused every day and very few grow up to murder their parents. But at the end of the day to me, this is still a game changer.
This is not a crazed person murdering for joy. This is not someone that is a danger to society.
They need help. They need counseling. 
Prison is just not the right place for them. 
They deserve pity. Yes, this was wrong, but it is still different. 

No child should ever live in fear. Their home should be where they are safe.
As someone that had “safe”, I cannot imagine being in fear in my own home. 
Now in this case, I have heard many people say “Jeff was an adult and could have just left”.
This is where I do not agree.
Yes, Jeff was free to leave. BUT, he had a young sister who remained at that home. 
A younger sister who could be in danger. 
Now ask yourself this, if you had a younger sibling, and you knew your mom was potentially dangerous, could you just walk away? Could you leave her alone? 
I could not do it. 
I don’t think Jeff could either. Yes, just my theory, but I do think it makes the most sense.
So now imagine wanting to leave, but in doing so, you are leaving your young helpless sister alone. Alone in a home with a mother that could stop taking her meds, a mother that tried to kill you, a mother that had started storing knives in her room. 

Could you really just leave? 

So here is where I find motive. 
I think at that point, it was not about him. It was about his sister. Even if he stayed in the home, he was not there 24/7. His sister is not safe. At any point in time, mom could snap.
I think Jeff either planned this out to ensure his sister was safe and he could live his life. Or his mother said something threatening and Jeff had enough.
I don’t blame him at all. 

I do however blame dad.
Those children should not have had to live in a home with that mother. 
Dad should have protected those kids and removed them the day she tried to kill Jeff.
There is NO excuse. 
I am a parent. I have a son and I am married. 
I do not care why…. if my husband tried to hurt my son, I would leave.  
I would protect my son. 
I would not remain in a home where my child was not safe. 
Dad is to blame for that. 
At the end of the day think Jeff was the one that took action to protect his sister. 

The only thing I am not sure of is if he planned this or he felt there was a treat at that moment and acted. 
Either way, I do think the laws need to change.
When a child is raised in a home where the parent(s) is abusive, there is severe damage done. 
When that child grows up and murders that parent(s), the defense is different.
I don’t think they deserve a slap on the hand and sent home. But I do not think prison is the answer. I think a mental facility and years of counseling is. 
I also think there needs to be better control on who is having kids.
Kids need to be protected. We need better programs, better training. 
But until we reach that point, these kids need help. They are not given a choice. They are helpless. A parent should protect their child with their own life. A child should not be in fear of their parent. 
There is no excuse. 
Stop the abuse or be prepared to better handle the consequences. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I'm an investigative journalist, researching a topic that you have written about on this site. I'd be very grateful to talk to you about it with you if you could spare ten minutes? My email is You can find some of my work on my Guardian profile:
    Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
