Thursday, September 25, 2014

ANOTHER Madeleine McCann book?

Yep, it's true..

So we have yet ANOTHER book about the case of missing Madeline McCann?

No worries about a lawsuit this time though…..Gerry and Kate I am sure are pleased with this one. 

Unlike the books written by Goncalo Amaral and Pat Brown who wrote about the facts of the case and what those facts most likely meant, that Madeline died in that apartment, this book is yet another white wash.

Now, I did NOT read this book. I refuse to support anything that supports their innocence. 

I just flat out do not buy it. I have said in my prior posts, the evidence supports a death in their apartment. Nothing more. 

But…. I just do not understand why people STILL support them. But that was until I read an article about the book, or more the response the authors had to the criticism on their book.

One such response was this:

“We had a single meeting with the McCann’s and one with the Met – both of them early in our research. The parents, and then the police, made only one request of us – a fair one given the parents’ hope and the Met’s working thesis that Madeleine may still be alive –  that we do nothing that might hinder or interfere with the ongoing investigation. We have been careful to abide by that request.”

What do you see here? “…the Mets working thesis that Madeline may still be alive”. So the Met clearly made them aware without directly stating it that they expect the book to support their “theory”. That Madeline is still alive. Which totally contradicts the cadaver evidence. 


Now, I think it’s safe to say, this couple have had support like no other missing case ever. Political support. Support from the media. I can go on. But at the end of the day, you have to ask why. 

We may never know. I think the most logical conclusion is that they just have “friends in high places”. 

Not even considering the fact that the Met has spent millions of their tax payers money to review a case and not follow a single “FACT”, but rather dredge up old leads….already cleared by the Portuguese police…. and call them “new”. All of course while the libel trial is going on. 

Like many people think, I too believe there is a connection no doubt. They want to be in the news so that the world is looking at them supporting the “abduction theory” vs mom and dad’s involvement.

What kills me is that the Met has NO legal authority on this case and the fact that they decided to do this during the libel trial and well, are not following the facts and refuse to even consider looking at mom and dad. 

How can you call this an investigation yet ignore the facts. And let’s be honest, statistically mom and dad are involved in these cases. Their refusal to see that is clear. They are covering for mom and dad. Period.

To me the cadaver dogs are the most critical piece of evidence. 

Yes…. Gerry TRIED to discredit the dogs. I find this interesting initially because of the fact that instead of being concerned for his daughter… he sought to discredit evidence. I think that for those that see past the BS see that for what it is. You are trying to get people to focus away from evidence in the case. Evidence that leads to only you and Kate. Why do I say that…. Well fact….. It takes about 1.5 hours for a dead body to emit cadaver odor. So, with their 15-30 min checks…. That makes this impossible. There was no time for an abductor to have killed Madeline.  AND better yet, 6 months after Gerry used the case of Eugene Zapata to help discredit dogs, simply because they didn’t find a body, Mr. Zapata then confessed that he murdered his wife. So those cadaver dogs… THEY WERE RIGHT. Not often do people confess, but this should have helped the case against Gerry and Kate... But, well, their political support still trumps hard facts. 

So the only way Gerry and Kate were not responsible in some manner for Madeleine’s death…. The only other options is that the “abductor” killed her in the apartment. Waited there 1.5 hours….was undetected during all these “checks” then put her body behind the couch, then moved her to the closest. Then left with her dead body.

Ok sure.

Now, I like to be fair and consider the options…..

So let’s look at them all. 

So option 1 to recap…..The abductor killed her in the apartment. Waited there for about 1.5 hours…..was able to stay undetected during all the “checks”….. then hid her body in 2 locations and then later left with her dead body. 

So….option 2. The dogs were wrong. I don’t have much more to add here. So for them to be wrong, the one of the most experienced cadaver dogs… was just wrong. Option 2. 

Moving on…. 

Option 3. The hotel AND the rental car company LIED that there was a death in the room AND the vehicle. Not sure why they would lie but again, if you think they are innocent, this must be at least considered as an option. 

Option 4.  There was a murder in both the hotel room AND the rental car and it was not reported to the hotel or the rental car company. A person does not simply pass away in a small closet or behind a couth and get moved AND the trunk of a car AND not get reported. 

Or last but not least, option 5. They were framed. LONG shot but  like I said, I look at the options.

So what do you think.
I would love to hear what you think the cadaver dog scent really means.
Option 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?

To discredit it, it has to be one of those options.