Monday, April 14, 2014

Oscar Pistorius continued

This case had me calling BS from the first moment I heard his “story”.
I agree with the prosecutor in this case. They fought and then he killed her.
Now before I go on, I have to give Gerrie Nel serious props. This was my dream career. But I just don’t have the confidence or guts.
I don’t recall another cause where the prosecutor was this strong. Although Juan Martinez is a close 2nd.  
Mr. Nel is the first one I have seen in a long time that does not miss a beat. He catches every inconsistency in Oscar’s story and calls him on it. 

Being a lover of “Statement Analysis” I have realized how often normally these lies and inconsistencies occur and no one ever catches on. Kinda like Hannah Anderson stating on national TV that she was threatened not to try to get help by her captor… then moments later says he was “signally for help”. Such a huge WTF moment yet no one ever stopped to ask what she meant by such a glaring contradiction to her entire story line.
Nel does not do this. He catches it and he calls him out on it. Not that Oscar really ever seems to have an answer. He reminds me more and more of Jodi Arias. I don’t recall…. I don’t remember….. So many blanks once he shot the gun. Just like Jodi…

So now back to Oscar.
Now, I think that most of us hear the story about how he thought a noise in the small toilet stall was an intruder. I think most of us just flat out do not by this.
I am married. If I wake up in the middle of the night to a noise in our bathroom toilet stall… My instant thought is… its my husband. Not an intruder.
Now sure, he lives in a high crime area….. but lets play that side. You hear a noise in the middle of the night. A window opening… as he is now claiming (one of his many changes to his original statement).
How many of you have heard a noise in the middle of the night and were startled? What did you do? I think most of us will automatically wake up the person next to us in bed. Not grab a gun and shoot at the sound.
Some things are just basic common sense.
This is as simple as the Michael Jackson case. If the 45 year old guy that lives next door invites your 10 year old son to spend the night with him and sleep in his bed you are not gonna just be like sure… You are going to instantly be very concerned.  BECAUSE IT IS NOT NORMAL. Just because Michael Jackson was a professional singer does not change a thing.
Just because Oscar was scared of intruders, does mean he would not say something to Reeva.
My husband heard a loud noise once. Something fell in the living room. He immediately woke me up and told me he heard a noise to stay there. He was protecting me. Oscar trys to claim he was trying to “protect” Reeva but if he was, he would have made sure she was there and made sure she heard him. Period.
But let’s imagine the story he is trying to lay out here…
Now, he has changed his story from they were BOTH asleep and he got up while she was sleeping.  Now he claims she was not just a wake, but “still awake’. Aside from the glaring inconsistency here, lets continue.
So he wakes up. Shes already awake. He goes to grab the fan, or the fans (another change)on the balcony but now states he only grabbed them from inside and didn’t actually go out on the balcony. I find this a little harder to see with 2 fans that he just reached out, on his stumps mind you and brought them in. But again, I will continue….
So in these moments when he brings the fan in, Reeva being  awake gets out of bed and he hears nothing….
I guess we are supposed to assume that she is the one that opened the window on her way (despite the claims he is sooo scared of intruders he had his house alarmed and locked up tight) and then after he is screaming at the intruders to “get the f#$% out of his house” Reeva just panics and slams the door.
He is in the bathroom and she is in the toilet yet she never says “It’s me Oscar!”?
It seems more like some stealth mission where she sneaks out of the room without making a sound and then never again speaks or says a word. 

So, now what about the neighbors. They clearly stated they heard a man and a woman fighting. Then blood curdling screams before the shots were fired and after first shot.
But I guess they lied about the arguing. I mean, they have a reason for this? Right?
Then the Dr. got up in those seconds as the shots rang out, and saw the bathroom light on. Despite Oscar stating the whole place was dark as he was scared to turn the lights on.
The Dr. is lying too I guess. Right?
I just don’t see why all these people would lie. It makes no sense.
But Oscar has all the reason in the world to lie.
It would not be the first time someone killed their partner in the heat of the moment. It happens every day.
I even think he regrets it. But only because he is facing life in jail.
I think his tears are his fear of being locked up forever. Especially in that country. He surely faces many more challenges and dangers in his position.
I would cry at being accused of murder. Even if I was innocent and had never met the person. I would cry. I see no reason why those tears are not for Oscar himself.
Statement analysis of his statements have noted deception.
His story does not make any logical sense.
His contradictions are concerning.

I think he did in fact kill her after an argument.
Now if we could just have had someone like Mr. Nell on the case against John and Patsy Ramsey…. I bet John would be in jail today and Patsy would have died behind bars.  
Unfortunately in many cases we have prosecutors that have no business being in the job they hold. Either you care about the law and justice or get a job in another line of work.
Now we wait to see what this judge does. I am about 70% sure she will convict him. For now I will be watching the trial anxious to see if he can get Oscar to crack and just admit it.
I have to admit, if anyone could do that… it would be this guy. But facing a life behind bars does give someone a lot more motivation to hold tight to your story.
We shall see.

In the mean time, I saw this on twitter. Appeared to be Gerries twitter but not sure I buy that. But still found this to be funny.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The gift of bull shit

I find it so interesting how easy it is for some to lie, to convince someone they are speaking the truth while lying or avoiding the topic all together. How easy it is to convince someone that you care, that you love them. It works for politicians, criminals. It works in relationships both personal and professional.
I follow a lot of crime blogs, lie detection etc. Why, because I once wanted to be a criminal prosecutor. But, I have an extreme phobia of public speaking that I have unsuccessfully tried to overcome… and being that face that puts criminals behind bars, I will admit that is somewhat frightening.
So, instead I went into Human Resources and I follow cases and blogs on the side and hope that those that do the job I am not able to do, do it right. But more and more…I am disappointed .
Now I have always been very observant. Even before I started reading about lie detection, statement analysis etc, The older I got, the more I have just gotten it.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying I am not rocket scientist or math wiz… but common sense….. I have that. Seeing past the sales pitch… I have that. I don’t just buy into the hype. I am not easily swayed and I for sure do not believe just because I was told. I want facts, I want proof. Or I question it. It sure has not made my life easier.  So, I have learned to keep my mouth shut (thus, why sometimes my only outlet is to write) or just let things go. But it never leaves my mind. I have not accepted it or just believed. I just choose not to fight a fight I know I may never win.
I question what others just assume. Even if I don’t shout it from the roof tops, I do question it. I would hear the deception or hear the missed response. Not always sure why, that is until I began studying about lie detection and my soul mate….”statement analysis”. Yes I said soul mate. Statement Analysis was like the light that finally when off for me that made things make more sense.  
Now I have mentioned in a prior post that I am sure that the reason I am this way stemmed from my child hood….. My mother is a pathological liar. I don’t mean she exaggerates, or bends the truth…..she outright lies. Her reasons vary….. sympathy, control, or just to simply win an argument etc… she lies. She lives breathes and lies. She is probably one of the best. She still lies to this day and convinces many. I think part of that is why I can see deception in the little things. I watched the pro lie my whole life.
I also see this deception at work. Meetings are especially fascinating.
I recall a meeting an old boss. He was asked a question I initially thought he would refer to me. I knew very well he had no clue what the process was…since it was something that I and I alone managed. Sure he was my boss, and technically that falls under his scope, but in this case, I knew for a fact he did have the answers.  
Instead….he instead proceeded to ramble. Not even about the question, in fact, I sat there wondering just what exactly he was even talking about the entire time. He just went on and on and on.
I initially was sure everyone would be confused and the question would be again asked with clarification and I would need to interject. Instead, as I looked around the room…. Rather than seeing baffled faces, they seemed engaged, hanging on every word. When he finally stopped speaking…. Everyone seemed, well, impressed… if he had answered the question and went above with his response. When in fact, he didn’t answer the question at all. I was shocked. Not only did they feel that he had sufficiently answered the question, which he had not, they were impressed?!?!? Was I just in the same room?
It took me a while to understand. But after years of watching this occur, I realized that there are those that just speak well. They use pretty words, they have the right tone, the right pace.
I came to call this the BS ability.
They can bull shit their way through anything because they speak well. They flow their words well, they sound educated and knowledgeable. Even having no knowledge at all.
Once I figured this out, it was like a piece of the puzzle…. Just a piece.
Figuring this out also allowed me to finally understand the success of a friend of mine……
A friend who is….. for lack of a better way to put it, a “pot head”….
Now to clarify, by “pot head” I do not mean she smokes pot occasionally or even after work and on the weekends.  
No, she is a certifiable text book pot head. She is stoned every day, ALL DAY. She smokes pot as soon as she wakes while most of us are having our morning cup of coffee. She has pot in her baked goods that she eats at work. ALL DAY. She sneaks to the rest room to smoke a joint before meetings. She smokes pot all day…..every day……
She will tell her employer she has meetings, interviews with clients then smoke pot and sleep for hours. She has told me time and again that she works maybe 2 hours a week…
She is a queen bull shitter.
So good, she has managed to be employee of the year many times. Recruiter of the year many years in a row. And, not for a small company, but a fortune 500 company. And she does nothing and she does it stoned.
She lied about her education. She lied about her experience. She lies about her criminal past. Yet time and again, she lands the job, closes the deal and brings in 6 figures.
Being a top producing recruiter myself, I fail time and again to land those high paying jobs or to get the credit I deserve for actual hard work. I am NOT a bull shitter. 
It is unreal but it's true. 

Most our leaders are really nothing more but bull shitters. 


Madeline McCann E-fits really Gerry?

firmly believe that the Smith family saw Gerry carrying a dead Madeline from their vacation rental that night she “disappeared”.  

The Smiths provided the description for the e-fits. 

Gerry and Kate did not allow them to be released.

But why? If you are innocent, to me the timing of the Smith sighting would lead me to believe that was the “real kidnapper”.

If your child was kidnapped and someone sees a child being carried away immediately after… What would you do? Would you want to talk to them? Would you want to hound them for every single detail possible? I would. It would haunt me. I would beg them for more information. Anything at all. 

Gerry and Kate did not do this.

Ask yourself why. 

Because they knew this was not a kidnapper. It was Gerry they saw. Sure the Smiths have since taken back that claim that they are sure it was Gerry. But I think it’s safe to say they were facing a lawsuit and/or harassment. Look what happened to the lead PJ on the case. Gerry and Kate destroyed his career, his life. And when he wrote a book, a book that clearly is based on facts in the case, they are suing him. 

They won’t stop. I am sure the Smiths were  warned about what could happen if they did not stop.

Some have even said the e-fits look nothing like Gerry. I beg to differ. 

Missing child or homicide?

Each time I hear a story of a missing child it breaks my heart. There are so many evil people out there, that the thought of what they could be going through is horrifying.

What is worse however, is the thought that the child is actually harmed by mom or dad… or both.

It seems like we have had so many missing cases over the last few years that look more like harm came to the child in their own home by the very people that should protect them with their own lives.

I have talked about a couple of these cases on my blog. It is infuriating. What is even more infuriating is that these parents are getting away with it. 

How is it that the average Joe Citizen is outsmarting the police? Some of these average Joes are druggies who struggle to survive, hold down a job etc. but they are getting away with murder? These are not rocket scientists. 

Have police gotten lazy, stupid? Or are these monsters just getting smarter.

I am just not sure anymore.

But I see past the bullshit even if the physical evidence does not exist. 

For me, there two main things that a parent of a missing child will do that immediately takes me from a missing child case to a potential murder/cover up.


1.       They do not search/call out for the child

2.       They speak of the child in past tense.


Let’s discuss this further.


1)       Mom and dad do NOT search or call out for the child

How do you NOT search? Your child is missing and you sit at home and do what? Wait? Wait for what. The only reaction is searching.

Most of us parents have had the child dart under the clothes rack at the store, or wander to the next isle. We know that panic. I have felt it. It was the clothes rack. It was seconds and the fear that overcame me is unexplainable. FEAR, PANIC. A loving parent feels nothing less.

I follow a blog about Statement analysis by Peter Hyatt. He made a comment about a parent that does not search. He basically said it would be like losing your child at the store and instead of frantically searching, you got in your car, went home and waited for someone else to find them. I don’t know a single parent that would do that.

So when I see this lack of searching…..I am instantly concerned and begin to see the parents as the main suspect.


The panic, fear. It should take over. It should be a natural instinct as a loving parent. There is no other reaction. I have seen cases where mom and dad searched till they could not walk, searched places that were dangerous, dug in trash dumpsters, searched high and low. That is the only type of parent that should be a parent. The rest in my mind are guilty.  Even if it is not of murder, but neglect.

One thing that I have seen for years is that so many people wish to dispute these expected reactions from mom and dad. Callers on the Nancy Grace show, followers of a blog, etc. I see it over and over and over again. The response is always “everyone reacts different”.

This is always said in defense of the mom and dad. 

One example I have seen was with the case Isabel Celis (see my blog post on this case). Mom and dad did nothing. They did not search and they did not speak out. Instead, they sat in their home for 2 weeks. When they finally emerged…. Only because they pressured…. What was the reason mom gave for not speaking out…. “WE WERE GREIVING”. 


While I can understand this word to some degree, I just find that choice of words very out of order for a “KIDNAPPING”. 

The child is just missing. She could have wondered off. Typically people do not grieve immediately after they discover their child missing but rather go into a panic, they are fearful, they are motivated to find that child.

To sit in your room and cry is something that I would expect when you got the news that the child was found deceased. Even if months have gone by with no leads I can under stand grieving. 

But immediately after, your natural instinct would be to find them. 

My cousins little girl walked out of the house once. The door was shut but we think the wind blew it back upen and she walked out. 

Now, she was found safe. Let me start with that..... She just walked to the house next door and was quietly playing in the back yard. 

But it was a good 3 minutes before she was found. My cousin (her mom) was in a panic I have never seen before. She was screaming her name, she was running, looking under every tree, in every yard, SCREAMING. People were coming out of their homes and began helping. They began searching their yards and that is where she was found.

Now imagine this same scenario. Imagine that my cousin just closed the door and cried. Does that make any sense to you?

Then how these people can excuse that behavior is beyond me.

There is no excuse.

If you do not search…... If you do not call out for your child….  You are now the prime suspect in my mind. And I am at this point concerned the child is in fact not alive and you know this. You know there is nothing to search for.



Sergio and Becky Celis  

Gerry and Kate Mccann

Billie Jean Dunn

Justin DiPietro

Greg and Ericka Lewis

To me you are all responsible for your Child’s disappearance. Your actions from day one told me that. Your continued lack of concern, effort, or action has proven it over time. 


2)       Mom and dad speak of the child in past tense

Let me ask you a question. You don’t even need to be a parent.

Tell me about your mom, dad, sister, son, cousin. Pick one that is alive and well. Tell me how you would describe them.

Would you say:

They WERE funny.

They WERE loving.

They WERE sweet.

I LOVED her/him

Or would you say:

They ARE funny.

They ARE loving.

They ARE sweet.

I LOVE her/him


If they are alive, they “ARE FUNNY”. If they are alive you “LOVE THEM”. Using past tense when your child is MISSING, tells us that in your mind, that child is not “missing” and ALIVE but no longer living.

This goes back to what I have learned in statement analysis.

As a child we learned pronouns. We learned verb tense. It is one thing that is used every time we speak. It is instinctive. Its natural.

Verb tense does not lie.

We speak of our kids, our spouse in present tense. 

It is that simple. Verb tense does not lie.



Parents that do not search, may just be neglectful. But parents that do both… not search, call out and speak of the child in past tense….

To me, they are guilty. 
