Saturday, December 7, 2013

Gerry and Kate Mccann need to be held accountable!

Why do people really still buy in to the bullshit?
Are people still that naïve, stupid?
Apparently they do. Look at all the supporters in the comments supporting them. 

Do some searching. Read other articles, blogs. There are even entire blogs that support them. Blogs that find a reason to excuse every lie, discrepancy, bad decision. Why?
I am so fed up with the lies and the blame being pushed on others.

The only true blame lies with mom and dad. Mom and dad left their babies ALONE.  Even if the child was simply abducted (which I think is a flat out lie) had they been there, I do not think it would have happened.
And for the LOVE OF PETE….There is a reason 2 and 3 year olds are not to be left alone. It is DANGEROUS.

Nothing else is more important.
I am a mom. I know what my son could do at the age of 2. At the age of 3. I would never have left him alone. Even at the age of 6 I do NOT leave him alone. In fact, where I live it is ILLEGAL to leave a child under the age of 13 alone. And had the Mccanns done that here, they would have been arrested and charged with child endangerment. FACT again. Yet in this case, they are almost hero’s that suffered something that they had no part in.

Really? Leaving your children alone is your fault. No one else is to blame.
I  have a huge family. I babysat most of my teen years. I know what kids that age can and do AND get into. In minutes. So to put them alone for hours?
And we all know that at least 2 days prior to Madeline missing, they were not checking as they claimed. We all know that the woman upstairs heard a child crying for OVER AN HOUR. This is a fact! The parents even tried to minimize this by saying Madeleine asked them where they were. But hey  mom and dad, even if she quickly dropped it… its still an issues. Not only did she NOT sleep through the night, even with this, you continued to leave them alone.
So the simple fact here is that mom and dad left babies alone. ALONE.  
And we know that the kids did wake up. So why the hell did you continue to do so?
One reason. They were Selfish!
There is no excuse.
The steps from the room to the Tapas bar was traced by several people…
It is a 1.5 minute walk. FACT FACT FACT. Can I say this again, that this is a fact.
This is not like being in your backyard (garden) as Gerry claims. I have sat in my back yard and yah know what, my kid has needed me and he was able to just come to the backyard and get me. Or if he cried, I can hear him. FACT.
A 1.5 minute walk is more like being in the backyard (garden) 6 houses down the road. You can not hear your child cry. You can not tend to them if there is an accident. It is dangerous.
So why why why do all of you stupid people still think they are innocent??????
Stop being stupid and wake the heck up!
This was not a bad decision. This was a life altering horrible selfish decision. Gerry and Kate are to blame and have not for one second ever even owned this blame. They excuse this behavior as totally acceptable. When it’s not!
They choose to hang out, eat and drink too far to hear the kids…..despite the dangers that are there for young children.
So right off the bat, at the least there should have been charges for that. Yet none were made.
We instead have the blame put on the police. They did nothing.
Well, anyone that wishes to make this claim needs to do some research. That is a lie. Nothing more. There was more done to find this child than just about any case in the world. Searches were immediate. They were done on land, in water and in the air. How often do you see missing kids searched for by boat and air? You don’t. But I guess in this case, it happening still makes people say they did nothing really to help. Sounds to me more like mom and dad trying desperately to put the focus on anyone but them and their own shit decisions.
Then if that was not enough… the lies and refusal to help this case continued.

Both stated that the shutters were broken, jimmied, open.  This is a fact. It was said by both.
Gerry even stated that he went out side and tested the shutters and they COULD be opened from outside.
Why would anyone need to flat out lie about those shutters? If your child was kidnapped and you are innocent. Why would you lie about those shutters?

But they both lied about them.
Because the fact here is that the shutters were not open. They were not broken. And they CAN NOT BE OPENED FROM OUTSIDE.This was tested and proven to be a fact. THEY CAN NOT BE OPENED FROM OUTSIDE with out being broken. They were not broken.
Also, mom and dad also stated themselves that the shutters had been closed the entire trip until this night. So if this is true, why then were moms fingerprints on the shutters? If they never opened them, Kates fingerprints would not be there. But they were. Again, I am talking about facts. 
Also, Gerry stated that when he got back to the room with Kate after she came running to tell him Madeleine was taken, that the shutters were OPEN. So, now we have mom leaving the twins ALONE AGAIN in the same room where the claim Madeline was “kidnapped” but she even left those shutters OPEN. REALLY?
So ask yourself why would anyone lie about this?  
There is only one logical reason. They needed to lie. They needed to support their kidnapping story.
Why? Well, if there was an accidental death, and like I believe. the children had been sedated they must lie. An autopsy would show the sedation.
·         They would be charged for her death  
·         They would lose their licenses to practice medicine
·         And would likely lose their other children.
Lots of motive here to lie. Yet still people ignore these facts in the case.
Why would the police need to lie?
And I watched one of their interviews where Gerry and Kate made the following comments. Those are pasted below directly from the transcripts.
 I am now going to answer each of the questions or points Gerry claims were basically nonsense. This is not some crazy theory. It’s not like police are claiming she was abducted by aliens. The theory police have matches the evidence.
Gerry: I mean the ludicrous thing is erm what, I suppose what’s been purported from Portugal is that Madeleine died in the apartment by an accident and we hid her body. Well when did she have the accident and died, because, the only time she was left unattended was when we were at dinner so ...if she died then, how could we of disposed – hidden her body. You know, when there’s an immediate [inaudible but sounds like he was about to say ‘search’] it’s just nonsense. And if she died when we were in the apartment or fell and di...why would we ...why would we cover that up?
Kate: and we’d hidden her so well that we’d decided we’d move her in the car which we hired weeks later and you know, it’s just ridiculous
So let’s lets break their statements down.
1.       “Well when did she have the accident and died, because, the only time she was left unattended was when we were at dinner”
Gerry. You just answered your question. You were a 1.5 minute walk away. Kids can not fend for themselves. So if she was hurt, no one was there to help her. So this was exactly when she could have died. But please claim innocence since you were not technically there. Its not much different than leaving a child alone at the pool “for just a minute”. Its not safe and should not be done.  
Next statement.
“if she died then, how could we of disposed – hidden her body”
Gerry. Again, people kill and dispose of bodies EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is not impossible. This is not like the claims are you snapped your fingers and she was gone. There were many places to quickly leave the body.  I mean Gerry even lied about how long he talked to the friend he ran into. Stated it was about 15 minutes when the friend claimed it was only about 3. The fact that this time was greatly exaggerated at the EXACT time the “kidnapper” would have been running off with Madeleine is just too much of a coincidence. This gives Gerry several minutes to hide the body somewhere and return to the Tapas bar to wait for mommy to break the news.
Next statement.
“And if she died when we were in the apartment or fell and di...why would we ...why would we cover that up?’
Really Gerry? But then people have listened to this interview and did not question their guilt still. But seriously, if she was sedated, and let’s say she fell behind the couch and with out immediate help, died and remained there for about 1.5 hours.. Well, even if you claim you were home asleep, an autopsy would be done and if she had been sedated. That would show and you would now be held responsible. Lose your license etc. Again, same as I noted above. But so many still choose to not see this.   
And one last statement now added by Kate.
and we’d hidden her so well that we’d decided we’d move her in the car which we hired weeks later and you know, it’s just ridiculous”
Come on Kate. Statics alone on the number of “missing people” that are never found prove that this can be done. And people have moved bodies. If they panicked and hid the body someplace quick. Then later determined that they needed a better permanent spot… they could  have easily moved the body. Cause lets face it, even if there was a death in the rented apartment that had nothing to do with Madeleine, what are the odds that a death also occurred in the car you then rented. I mean, what are the odds that you rented that room that had someone die and a car that also someone died in?
And to be clear, those dogs were NEVER WRONG. The person above who is clearly on the “mccann payroll” stated that dogs are often wrong. That is just not true. Just because the body is no longer where the dogs hit. Or if the dogs hit on something that had transferred the scent, they are not wrong. They did hit on the scent of a dead human being in contact or transferred contact.  It has always been said they  hit on dead human scent but they can not distinguish who the scent belonged too. Just a dead human. So the dogs are not wrong. So that is just more of the typical BS people throw out with out the facts to confuse. Fact is the dogs did pick up the scent of a dead HUMAN. While they can not confirm it was a dead Madeleine. It was a dead human.  
So with that, what are the odds that a dead human was “behind the couch” in their vacation room and in the “trunk” of their vacation vehicle. I am sorry but you are talking about nearly impossible odds. Sure, it can happen. But what are those odds?
And those odds then coupled with innocent parents that had just had their child kidnapped? One in a zillion? I am just saying…
I know the Mccanns have spent more money suing people and well, paying their own bills than finding Madeleine. So I have to think that a lot of the supporters on these sites are also employed by them. They have made millions… So is is very possible. I have a full time job and have found time to write my thoughts.

Law Enforcement. .. hero's or criminals

Law Enforcement anymore are not the heros they should be.

Sure we still have those that stand true to this profession but more and more we see these very "heros" go to the dark side. Or is it just that criminals are smarter?

But if criminals are smarter, what does that saw about law enforcement?  Especially with the simple fact that most these criminals are drunks, on drugs or often just the random person next door.

Are average peopke outsmarting law enforcement? Drunks, addicts, etc outsmarting law enforcement?

Say it isnt so!

What will our world come to if this continues....

I am just the average person next door. I dont do drugs, and outside of the occasional drink..not a drunk.

Yet I can see past the bullshit and see the true guilt in so many cases that law enforcement just cant seem to bring to justice.

This is a sad predicament.

I mean lets look at a couple cases.

Hanna Anderson...

The supposed kidnap "victim". Law enforcement has closed this case out. Stand by the initial view that she is nothing more than a victim.

Now for those out there that keep stating she was just a "child" needs to watch a little more news. A teenager in Colorado raped and killed a little girl then cut her up and stored some of her body parts in his home. But I guess she's innocent because hes just a teenager?

Hannah posted a photo while in Hollywood (a trip she took with her kidnappper alone) and followed the photo up with #goodbye #hollywood #hello #river. Interesting that she she did next go to the  "river" with this kidnapper.

Her excuse for the 13 calls to him before the murders w
(Or texts) were just because as she stated "he didn't know the address or what - like, where I was. So I had to tell him the address and....." was such a HUGE LIE. That man was at all her games and practices and often drove her to school. Yet she says she needed 13 texts to communicate and address and LE finds that answer acceptable?

And lets not forget she states she was drugged and did did not wake until she reached Idaho despite the highway patrol cameras showing she was awake. Yet law enforcement I guess she no contradiction there? That she claims she was unconscious during the murders until arriving in Idaho is not anything that needs to be questioned. 

And then there is the statements that he told her if she tried to get help he would kill her.. then tells us at the river he tried to start a fire to "signal for help". WTF. And law enforcement does not find this disturbing?

Good job San Diego law enforcement.  A stupid teenage girl has outsmarted you. Your citizens should feel safe.

And then there is Scotland Yard. Now I can not figure this out, but they are sure stand fiercely behind Gerry and Kate McCann. But why?

What other case have they stood by like this? Especially a case that is well, not even anywhere close to being in their jurisdiction.  Another country even.


clearly there is a more here. I mean you have parents who chose to leave babies (2 and 3 year olds ARE BABIES) alone in their holiday room.

WtF? This is acceptable?

Even Nancy Grace who is always critical anytime a parent lacks judgment has failed to address this on her show.

What is really going on?

This is NEVER acceptable.  Its dangerous. Period. No one told them this was safe and they to this day feel no remorse or guilt over this horribleen choice.

Gerry Mccann even stated that being at that Tapas bar was like being in your garden (backyard for those of us in America) but this walk took 1.5 minutes. Bullshit Gerry. Its not like being in your backyard. Maybe the backyard of your neighbor 7 houses down. I walked 1.5 minutes from my front door and ended up down 7 houses.


But please Scotland Yard waste your tax payers money and protect these horrible people. You should be proud. You too have been out smarted.  Or worse. ?.. doOn you have your own evil skeletons and have been forced to keep up their charade. Or maybe you too are profiting????  I mean their sham "find Madeleine fund" has brought in millions.... millions that sure as hell are NOT being used to look for their "kidnapped" daughter. 

But please protect them. Thats a good use of tax payers money.  Who cares about homeless, starving childen.. Gerry and Kate need you to keep this sham alive.

You should be proud.


Then there is the super duper law enforcement in Texas.

Hailey Dunn disapeared yet so much evidence and no arrests...

Such as....

Moms had recently moved in her loser boyfriend who had recently threatened her life.

Poor Hailey tells her grandmother she is scared of his freak.

Mom and boyfriend are heaving drug users...

Mom and boyfriend lie about the boyfriend being at work all day the day she is last seen.

Both fail polygraphs.

Neither spend a moment searching and in fact a couple days after sge disappearsyou have a new years eve party.

Law enforcement finds child porn and beastility in your room.

And mommy speaks of Hailey in PAST TENSE?????

So despite the fact that child porn alone is a crime and that alome should have had them both prosecuted, they walk free. Then they find poor Haileys body along the path Shawns cell phone pinged the day je lied and stated he was at work....

But what, you domt have evidence to prosecute?

So again WTF law enforcement.

You can npt tell me these loser drug addict child porn lovers outsmarted you. So what, do we have another case of law enforcement that has their own demons so they can not pursue mommy dearest and her peice of shit boyfriend?

Just sad. That law enforcement is on the wrong side of the law.

You loose your hero badges. You are criminals who are too cowardly to be honest and instead hide behind the badge.

You childhood selves should be so proud.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Expected reaction to your own missing or deceased child…

am always shocked by the comments people leave on blogs, forums, etc supporting parents of missing or deceased children who have shown unexpected reactions.

By unexpected, I mean a lack of emotion, a lack of urgency, lack of well, tears….
The most common defense is “everyone responds different”
This is true.
Uncaring or responsible parents respond one way.
Loving innocent parents another.
I am not wrong.
People always want to argue with this point.
But I am not wrong.
You have 3 types of parents in my mind.
·         Loving protective parents
·         Narcissistic parents
·         Evil parents.
Loving protective parents put their childs needs first. There children are raised with love. They would put their lives in harms way to protect their children. This is the only way a parent should be. The others have no right being parents.
Narcissistic parents are those that put their own needs first. They may love their children, but their needs, wants desires come first. Their happiness, their desires come first. The loss then of this child would be shortly grieved if at all.
Then we have the evil parents. Evil parents do not love their children and will abuse, neglect and often kill them.
Let’s further break this down by looking at parents who have been in the news that fall into each category.
Let’s first take a look at the parents of Natalie Holloway. When they learned that their daughter did not arrive with her group to fly home from Aruba, they IMMEDIATELY were on a plane to Aruba. They immediately searched. They tracked down leads. They harassed the main suspect, they dug through landfills, they broke into crack house etc. There child was missing and rather than just go about their lives, they made finding their daughter a priority. They clearly love her. They put themselves at risk for her. This is what a loving parent does. It is instinct.
Next let’s loook at the narcissistic parents of Madeleine McCann. Gerry and Kate. I fully believe they drugged their children in order to go out and party with friends. Especially with all the information that was learned after about how difficult it really was to get the children to sleep (look at Kate’s own diaries). I do not believe that 3 children in the same family go to sleep easily at 7:30 and sleep through the night. Especially as I have said before, on vacation with other children. My son at those ages while on vacation or even with family around would never sleep. Children become excited and have more energy than normal.  Parents with children know this to be true. So I am sure that is why that fateful night, the kids all fell asleep promptly at 7:30. Now my belief is Madeleine woke up (not all kids respond the same to medications) and was likely looking for her parents and was likely scared and frantic and fell behind the couch and died there as a result of that fall. Especially since no one was there to get her medical treatment.  Now ask yourself, would you leave your 2 and 3 year old children alone? Gerry and Kate both have failed to take responsibility for the danger they put their kids in. They have instead defended this. WHY? How do you feel this is acceptable. They claim someone in social services said it was perfectly safe. LIES. This is illegal in most places. And Gerrys efforts to compare this to being in your garden (which is like your backyard for those in America) is total bullshit. The detectives and a criminal profiler traced the steps from the Tapas bar to the room they rented. It takes 1.5 minutes to walk this distance. This is not like your backyard Gerry McCann. I live in a neighborhood with yards that average about 7000-8000 square feet. I left my house the other day and I walked for 1.5 minutes. I was 7 houses down. So Gerry McCann. This may be like being in a garden, but in the garden 7 houses down the street. So I am sorry, but this is not safe.
And let’s consider another point. Even if they were checking every 15 minutes as they claim. Have you ever seen the news where a child has drown in the backyard pool? Yah, you have. What do they always say? I only turned my back for a MINUTE. So, what have you just learned? That in a mere MINUTE a child can come into harms way. So now we have  adults leaving 3 children alone for at least 15 minutes. And they were not even checking on them. But rather listening. So that child that drown in the backyard, if you only listened and they had stopped breathing, would you walk back inside? Considering that there may be time to save them with CPR. But sure, listen. If all is quiet they must be fine. 
That is the logic they used.
They have never then taken accountability for their actions. They feel this was perfectly safe. They said it themselves.
But it’s not safe. And if I made this horrible decision, regardless of what harm happened to my child, I would never forgive myself. NEVER. I would blame myself, my actions every day for the rest of my life.  Gerry and Kate did NOT blame themselves.
In fact, a few days later were laughing and smiling at what would have been Madeleine’s birthday. Really? I have seen comments explain this behavior stating that they had balloons fly into their faces. So really? Your child has been “kidnapped” and you are celebrating her birthday without her… The horror of what typically happens to kidnapped children is not on your mind? You are not haunted. Enough that balloons in your face would bring you joy and laughter? Sorry but that just would not happen with the loving parents. They would be so devastated that the balloons would not make them laugh or smile. Nothing would! Then days later, the family is resuming their vacation activities, leaving the remaining kids at the child center and well, as Kate herself wrote in her own diary “slept well”. How do you sleep well when your child has been “kidnapped”. How does the horror she may be facing not haunt your ever minute? How do you just move on. Because as I said above, they care more about themselves than their children.
And the fact is, they NEVER SEARCHED for this child.
The millions they have made from the fund and from suing other people has benefited them and them alone. It has not been used to look for Madeleine. But to pay their mortgage and sue for more money.
And hey Kate, if you just used the fund (and searched for your child) for its purpose and didn’t waste it suing people then you would not have needed to write a book to make money for the fund. The fund that is NOT used for finding your daughter. So did you write this book to help find Madeleine or did you write this book for you. To make you and Gerry more money and to, well what I believe, address all the guilty behavior and actions away.
Narcissistic parents at their best!
Then we have evil. We have the parents that have abused their children and typically have either killed their child during the abuse or simply to get rid of them. This is what I think Justin DiPietro did. He did not want Ayla. Yet fought to get her while mommy was in rehab. Took out a life insurance policy and failed to get her medical care for prior breaks and bruises. EVIL. Then the child disappears and he does what? He goes about his own life. Does not report her missing for days. EVIL. I believe he killed that poor child. ON PURPOSE. He is evil! He deserves the death penalty. Nothing more.
So defend away. But the fact is, loving parents will love and protect their child. They will put their childs needs above their own. They will search for a missing child and will be angry if their child is murdered. FACT FACT FACT.
Dispute it all you want, but there is no other reaction.