Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Maccann's interview with Sandra Felgueira

Sandra Felgueiras has done a few interviews with the Mccann’s. She clearly pushes buttons as Gerry typically goes into this rants that looks like he has parkinsons even though he normally sits perfectly still and speaks calmly. Unless he is asked about drugging his kids, the cadaver dogs or if he killed Maddie.


I really like her. She is asking  the hard questions and I think really proves the Mccann’ss are being dishonest.

Here is one of my favorites. 

Gerry’s reply is unreal…..And I think this was some leakage on his part.


Sandra:  “Now, when you look back, do you realize it could have been dangerous for Sean and Amelie to be left behind?”

GERRY: "i don’t think that’s right... and certainly in medical training, the first thing you get taught in an emergency situation is to get help


Really Gerry, did you just say “medical training”. This is supposed to be a kidnapping. Now you are talking about medical training in an emergency situation.. This is alarming… But sure leads more to the theory that she had died.

They say that even when you are trying to lie, that you leak the truth. I think we had some leakage here.


Sandra: “It never crossed your mind, Madeleine wouldn’t be able to cross (hard to understand this part clearly) the door just looking after you, alone?”

Kate: “If I can just explain what I found, the shutters….which had been down all week…. And when I went in… and there was a gust that blew the curtains open, that’s when I noticed that the shutter had been pulled off”


So Kate does not answer the question. Refocuses to how she found her. But is not speaking in complete sentances either. And the shutters were pulled off?


Gerry said they were broken. Now Kate says they were “pulled off”

Both are lies. They were untouched.




Gerry and Kate Mccann somber to smiles in seconds

I heard about this video, watched it a couple times and took some screen shots.... but seems to have been removed.... Interesting....

But clearly the Maccann's went from their usual sad somber "for the camera faces" and as soon as they thought taping ended.. Instant smiles and laughter. 

And by instant I mean instant. 

Yeah... Cause talking about your "kidnapped" child would not haunt you to your core. 

Sorry. I don't buy it Gerry and Kate.

So faces while camera is running... 

And when they think the camera is off... 

I am searching for the video again.... 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sure..God is love

And god never gives you more
Than you can handle....

That's all I have......

Where was god? 

Mccann supporters wake the heck up!

just read yet another support blog for the Gerry and Kate Mccann.
And it amazes me just how many people still believe them and blame the police despite what is so obvious to the rest of us with any common sense.
Why why why are people so naive and blind to the facts?
If the parents truly had no involvement, then these 2 have had just about the worst luck ever while still managing to stay clear of any legal responsibility. Even child endangerment for leaving babies alone. Which is illegal where I live and would and had this occurred here, they would have been arrested and CPS would have been involved .
But let’s break this down with just facts in the case and no theories or possible motives
So below I will include some facts and as the parents once stated they could provide for any evidence….. a “reasonable explanation” to each of them.  
You decide if it was just a mistake, bad luck that just happened to happen during this horrible time, or something more.
And its several things. So maybe it was just all a coincidence. But please read and then decide.
1.       The McCann’s stated that it was “normal” for their children to sleep through the night.
a.       It’s totally normal for all 3 kids in the same family to all normally sleep through the night
                                                               i.      May 1st when the neighbor, Pamela Fern stated to police that she heard Madeleine crying from the McCann apartment beginning at approximately 10:30 pm until 11:45pmwas just lying. Even being sure it was Madeline and not the twins since the child was shouting “DADDY, DADDY” was just lying  
                                                             ii.     Madeleine asking them the next day why they didn’t come when they cried was just a random thought. She must have woke briefly and fallen right back to sleep     
                                                            iii.      Or, maybe……this was the one time she woke up… and was the only time they did not check every 15 minutes and was just an awful coincidence
2.       There was a chart at the home of the Mccann family offering stars for Madeleine for “staying in her bed” (there are photos confirming this chart)
a.       I am sure this was only during nap time and had nothing to do with her night time behavior since she normally slept through the night 
3.       It is totally safe to leave 2 and 3 year old children alone
a.       Sure, its only illegal in some locations because the laws are stupid
b.      2 and 3 year olds can fend for themselves, especially if its night time
c.       What could POSSIBLY go wrong in 30 minutes, or an hour or longer
                                                               i.      No child has ever died from an accident in the home or in their vacation unit
                                                             ii.      No child has ever had an accident while being checked every hour that caused great harm or death
4.       The Mccann’s stated in initial police statements that they unlocked the door each time they entered to do their checks and later changed this to using the unlocked side doors because they forgot
a.       This would be something you would totally forget
b.      And…..leaving a door unlocked that was near a PUBLIC street is totally safe
c.       The police lied
5.       The restaurant was not any different than being in your garden (backyard to us in America) as Gerry stated
a.       Sure it is Gerry. It takes me over a 1.5 mins to walk to my back yard from my back door
b.      And like in my backyard, you can hear your kids if they  need you or wake up
6.       They checked on the kids every 15 minutes
a.       Pamela Ferm who claimed the kids cried for over an hour lied
7.       Checking on kids every 15 minutes from the restaurant which was about a 1.5 minute walk each way would make for a fun and relaxing night out with friends and a much better option that hiring the onsite babysitter
a.       Sure, the chaos of the constant up and down of 9 people going back and forth every 15 minutes would not be distracting and this would be way easier
8.       The police were against the Mccann’s and did not try to help find the child and sought only to frame the Mccann’s
a.       I guess extensive searches by land, air and water being done was just for “show”
b.      The station set up in front of the apartment to take calls/tips 24/7 was just for “show”
c.       The thousands of people that helped search streets, homes, paths, trash etc was just for “show”
d.      The extensive search of the homes and apartments nearby just for “show”
e.      The extensive police files was just for “show”
                                                               i.      Yah, they did nothing to find this kidnapped child
f.        And… The lack of a single sign of an abduction was only because the police covered it all up and no one saw this and the Mccann’s have failed to publicly site any of these “cover ups” I guess out of fear 
9.       There REALLY were signs of an abduction
a.       The window in the kids room was open when Kate first discovered Madeleine missing
                                                               i.      She then closed it all up
                                                             ii.     Or….Someone must have come in and closed this to help with the cover up and framing of the parents
b.      The shutters were broken as Gerry stated
                                                               i.     Someone must have come in and fixed them to help with the cover up and framing of the parents
c.       Gerry and Kates family spokesperson later addressing that the window was closed and the shutters were not broken has no relevance
                                                               i.      The spokesperson lied and did not speak on their behalf as he had his own agenda
                                                             ii.      They must have been thinking of another night the window was open and the shutters were broken
                                                            iii.      Or… they were forced to stand by this false statement out of fear yet even years later, in their own country still fear for their safety               
1.       The book they wrote does not prove they are not fearful and they still have refused to call the police out for tampering with evidence of the break in because of well, fear?  
10.   After Kate discovered Madeleine was abducted and as she stated, was sure of, she then left the twins in the room ALONE to make the trip back to the table to notify the rest
a.       But she was just in shock and not thinking clearly or using an common sense OR natural motherly instincts to protect her remaining children from abduction as well and bring them with her or just scream for help
11.   The twins not waking up or even moving (several witnesses made this same observation). despite Kate’s screams (Neighbor Pamela Fern heard these screams and made statements to the police as such), frantic searches by the family/friends and the police, and moving to another room the twins did not wake or and they did not force them to wake up to simply make sure they were ok or see if they could possibly relay anything that had occurred
a.       This is normal, kids sleep through a traumatic events that involved screaming with many people trampling through a room is normal, right 
b.      And you would rather have the kids sleep through all this and not be concerned about them not waking or want to ensure they were ok and not hurt
12.   A cadaver dog picked up a scent on Kate’s clothing, Madeleine’s shirt and favorite toy (a toy which was on the bed but the scent was not picked up on the bed itself indicating the toy was placed here later), the closest and behind the couch
a.       For Kate’s clothes and Madeleine’s shirt and favorite toy to have the scent, that means that even as a part time GP, per her claims the week prior to the vacation, she would have to have come into DIRECT physical contact with at least one dead body for an extended period of time (needed in order to not only absorb the odor on to her clothes despite being washed , but to transfer to her childs clothes and toy)
                                                               i.      She then had her work clothes packed with ONLY Madeleine’s shirt and favorite cuddle toy allowing them to both absorb the odor
                                                             ii.      Or Eddie, the cadaver dog with years of experience and 100% accuracy was wrong.
b.      For the apartment, I guess Eddie, the cadaver dog with years of experience and 100% accuracy was wrong?
                                                               i.      Or… the hotel lied and there WAS a death in that apartment previously. A death where the dead body was moved from the closet to the floor behind the couch or vice versa
                                                             ii.     Or…..there was another murder in this very same room and the body was located behind the couch and the closet at some point 
13.   A Cadaver dog picked up the scent of a body on the key and the truck of the car the Mccann’s rented 20+ days after Madeleine disappeared.
a.       So again, I guess Eddie, the cadaver dog with years of experience and 100% accuracy was wrong AGAIN?
                                                               i.      Or, the rental car company lied and there had been a death in that car and he person was kept in the trunk with the keys in their pocket
                                                             ii.     Or…..Someone was murdered and then kept in the trunk with the keys in their pocket
14.   A Blood dog picked up the scent of bodily fluids (likely blood) behind the couch in the same location as the cadaver dog.
a.       This dog Keela with years of experience and 100% accuracy was WRONG too
b.      This is just a totally random coincidence
c.       Or there was a prior death behind the couch and again, the hotel lied
d.      Or there was a prior murder in this apartment and this is where it occurred
15.   DNA was an 88% match to Madeline
a.       The DNA was not a 100% to Madeleine
                                                               i.      The DNA sample was very limited which limits the testing but…. And, if this DNA had it not been Madeleine’s would have resulted in a 0% match. But I guess the lab made a mistake.
16.   Despite later comments by the parents that they themselves wondered if the twins may have been drugged,  they choose not to try to wake them to ensure they were safe and unharmed and take them to the hospital for testing to make sure they were not sedated at all during this time since a kidnapper had taken their other child and could have caused them harm
a.       This was only something they stated after it become public knowledge that the police suspected sedation because at the time, it just slipped their minds
b.      And why, if you had a child abducted and the remaining 2 did not wake up or move who would have any reason to be concerned for their safety. Just take them to another room and let them sleep. They must be fine if they are breathing and we do know Kate checked several times (the police witnessed Kate placing her hand over their nose mouth area several times)
17.   But they did have the Twins tested for drugs 4 months later       
a.       Even though the labs standard testing procedure of hair for drugs only covers 3 months back, it still proves they were not sedated 4 months later
b.      Or… maybe they had the tests done outside of laboratory standards. But this could only be done for Amalie since the length of Sean’s hair at the time (his hair was very short and based on how quickly hair typically grows would have been grown and cut) would just about guarantee that no hair remained from the time of the kidnapping
                                                               i.      And the fact Gerry and Kate never choose to get the testing done immediately was normal as why would anyone be concerned
                                                             ii.      Gerry and Kate also choosing not to provide any proof that tests were done further back on the hair samples or even done at all means nothing. Because well who needs proof, they have only had accusations made that they sedated the children and no charges were filed
                                                            iii.     And…. don’t care what anyone says or thinks as their only care is finding care Madeleine
c.       The other fact that they are doctors and likely are familiar with all the labs and the technicians in the area (they claim the tests were done in their home down) as well how testing is done has no relevance at all and this direct connection and special knowledge does not help them if they were trying to hide the fact that they sedated the kids as they would for sure be held to the same standards as the guy next door
d.      And…This testing would have been extensive because it’s a criminal investigation
                                                               i.      But no, the case was closed. This was not a test done by police as part of the investigation but rather Gerry and Kate’s own selected personal test but still proves they didn’t sedate their kids
18.   Gerry and Kate did not see any point ever in searching for their “kidnapped” daughter
a.       Totally normal and expected.  I know if my child was kidnapped, I would just wait for someone else to find him. I would even play tennis and go jogging in the days that followed. All what parents of missing kids just go about their lives
                                                               i.      The parents of missing kids 10-20-30 years later that are still haunted and devastated by the loss just need to get a grip and move on, it’s only a kid, just make another one
19.   Despite allegations and even being listed as suspects, Gerry and Kate Mccann refused to take a polygraph test
a.       Innocent parents always refuse to take a polygraph because so many have been wrongly convicted even though they are not admissible in court
20.   The McCann’s have a private fund to find Madeline and despite the allegations the fund has been mainly used to pay their personal and legal bills and only limited amounts have gone to actually find their daughter, they have done nothing to prove this wrong
a.       Again who cares about accusations? They are only focused on finding their child
21.   The McCann’s have spent more time, money and effort in fighting against Pat Brown and the main detective who have written books alleging their guilt over searching for their daughter
a.        Allegations in the books against these innocent parents is more important as it will affect the search for Madeleine
                                                               i.      The allegations are not new and those buying the books are likely those that already questioned their guilt and still despite Pat Browns book having been out for quite some time, media attention for a “abducted” Madeleine is still high
1.       This is not true and it greatly affected the search and they can prove it
22.   And last…. But not least… Statement Analysis has noted high levels of deception by both parents around the involvement in Madeline missing
a.       Statement analysis is wrong and has never been proven right. ……

Paula Dean supporter here!

Now I will state this, I am not a racist. 
I have friends in all colors and do not judge anyone by the color of their skin.

So this is not a rant because I secretly hate black people. 
But I think the repercussions that occurred due to her use of a slur “Ni----“ many years ago was excessive and just flat out unfair in the just of everything.
First of all, that word was not as “forbidden” as it is today. It was a different time. And while I am not saying it is ok, this is hardly a woman running around in a KKK robe.
I know I have said it at a point in life. Just as I have heard people use the term “cracker”, “wetback”, etc to various races.
Also, is this really where there is a need to throw the book at someone?
I mean to lose her job so to speak? When so many others in the public eye have done much much worse … and had little to no recourse or in some cases, and in some cases, benefited them.
Now bear with me, like so many do, I am not speaking out of my ass. I have examples to back this up!
Charlie Sheen has been rude, disrespectful, vulgar, insulting etc etc etc… Yet got his own show where his behavior is the shows story line and it has had excellent reviews  
Michael Jackson had repeated allegations of child molestation and continued to sleep with little boys yet was still mainly supported and never lost a single record contract and continued to go on to sell millions of records world wide
Jamie Fox said “I kill all the white people in the movie, how great is that?” But I guess this is just funny?
Priests have molested children for centuries yet have been and still are protected
Too Short has lyrics in a song that encourages “late middle school and early high school” kids to go past trying to get a kiss from girls and “go straight to the hole” virtually telling young adults to just do as they wish to the girls.  Yet he didn’t lose his record contract.  
The video game “Grand Theft Auto” gives high points for “rape” and not only has it remained on the market, sales have been record breaking
Lil Wayne trampled on the US flag in his video yet does not lose his record contract  
But hey, Paula Dean needs to be shown a lesson .
Dennis Miller said it best
“All I ask is can we go after radical Islamic jihadists with the same degree of vimi and vigor that we go after food network hosts”
My point, wrong sure. But why is this the one that is made an example of rather than those that are really causing harm to our society.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Eyes for lies blog

If you have a spelling test with 100 words and spell 38 correct, your accuracy percentage is 38%. You have failed. You don’t take 60 words away that you didn’t even bother to spell and discredit them and only use 40 words and thus your 38 correct now gives you an A.
That makes no sense.
So, why does she do this?
It’s like Silvia Brown who I discussed in a previous post. This con-artist (let’s call it what it is)  credits herself with a very high accuracy rate for her “physic visions”, but where is this proof?
She provides no details about the true number of cases she has read or which ones were confirmed to have come true. 
There are however several sites dedicated to discrediting her…Not just random percentages or   assumptions. But facts. Transcripts from predictions made on talk shows for cases that have since been solved or closed.
FACTS. She said this missing child was dead. Child was found alive. Not once, not twice, but multiple cases. Where she is proven wrong.
In fact, I have yet to find one credible prediction that was proved to have come true. And I have looked.
Yet she is still in business.
Has a website still boasting her credibility, even charging a few hundred dollars for a reading. People must still be that gullible because she is clearly still in business. This always amazes me. With the internet and television, there are so many things available for people to do the research. Yet so many still just accept things at face value.
Well, it appears to me that the writer of “EYES FOR LIES” blog is doing the same. She is claiming she is a “human lie detector” and markets her services as such. She makes money on this.
Being that I love Statement Analysis, I naturally initially found her site intriguing.
I usually would watch the show she reviewed or learn more about the case before reading her views. Many times I agreed with her. Yet would not call myself a “lie detector” but the more I read her blog, I started to find cases that I just flat out did not agree with her. Now this is not a matter of who is right, but some of these cases, she said they were being truthful, when in fact we later found out that they lied. Yet she didn’t pick it up?
I will provide examples later.

But let’s talk more about her statistics.
She posts on her website that she “accurately identified the truth or deceit in 37 out of 39 people” and states that this was tracked from “October 2004 to May 2012”.

Now this is only a handful of the cases she read. And in her defense, so many cases never get solved, I can see how she is unable to include these cases al in the “39 people”.

Ok, so if you see the the screen shot below. You can confirm that this was 2013 when I obtained this screen shot since the dates at the bottom clearly show “Eyes for Lies Copyright  2004-2013”. Once 2014 hits, this will be updated to show 2004-2014. So for now, this is what we are working with.
Now let’s also look at the exact cases she personally selects to validate this. I again have a screen shot showing the copyright dates. So we can validate this screen shot was done in 2013.
Now the first thing that comes to mind is how do we know?  Unless you have followed and made screen shots with dates of every single case she had posted on over that 7 year time and followed up on the cases….. Well, you can’t state this is accurate.
So, how do we know? And let’s be real, it’s easy to make changes your own blog. To add, remove or alter after the fact…..so that it benefits your point. And her site does not allow a quick review of all the cases she posted on during those times like some blogs do where you can see them all at a glance. In this case, you have to manually click “older posts” every couple of cases. Considering she also has posts about trips, jobs, and “expressions of the day” this could take quite some time. Time most of us do not have.
But what I did was take a few cases that she did write about that she used to validate her accuracy.
What I found really does nothing to validate her “lie detection” abilities at all.
Now before I get into these cases, I think we need to be clear about 3 things.
1.     Just because someone is “convicted” for a crime, does mean they are guilty
2.     Just because someone is found “not guilty” does not mean they are in fact innocent
3.     Conviction or acquittal does not prove they did or did not lie
So with that said, let’s proceed to some of the cases.  
Let’s first look at Amanda Knox.
She writes several posts about her during the time frame she includes in her accuracy tracking.
Now based on most of the articles I have read on this case (and I read a lot) it is safe to state that it appears that many doubt her innocence. And the simple fact that the woman can not seem to formulate a clear thought about that night speaks volumes. I promise you, if I was being charged with murder, I am going to tell you everything that happened….if I am innocent. She has never been able to do this. Now again, this does not prove she did or did not lie or if she had anything to do with the murder….
But just says that thousands of people across the world believe she has lied. So to use this case to back up to your abilities is really nothing impressive. I thought she was lying from day one. But I am not claiming that I am a “human lie detector”.
And let’s be clear, we still do this day do not know the truth about that night. So how does she use this case to validate that this as, (and I am quoting her own site here) “dishonesty that was caught to date before the truth was known”. When was the truth discovered?  In fact, if you are basing the truth just on conviction, she was later acquitted.  Yes the case is being reviewed again, but Amanda still technically today is acquitted. We still, we do not know the truth. Not technically. We may have theories and ideas. But the truth is still now known.
Now let’s look at another fairly well known case. Drew Peterson.
This is again; a man that most feel is guilty. So hardly anything to really boast about.
And while he was convicted, he has stood by his “innocence”. So, conviction, like I said above, does not prove he lied. So we are again left with what truth is really now know? The truth has not been proved yet again.
Who else do we have? Adam Baker. Adam has not been charged or convicted of anything? I feel he lied and was involved in his daughter’s death. But again, we do not have the truth. We have speculation and theories. But the truth has not been discovered.
Anna Ayala is also on her list. Now, what I found interesting here is that she was not stating she felt Anna was lying herself (as she states she has had a hard time finding any good footage of her speaking) but based her decision on Anna’s son AND…. the fact that the family has a history of lawsuits.  Being that Anna was claiming she found a finger in her bowl of chili (how unlikely is this really) and had a history of lawsuits I think it’s a safe bet that this woman was lying.
So technically she was accurate here however unimpressive as it is, I will give it to her.
She also claimed to have noted deception in Britney Spears stating that she knew her marriage was over during an interview. Well, despite her later filing for divorce, unless she has stated she lied to the reporter, again, I am not sure how this backs her up.
And she was right about Travis Forbes.
So I do not have time to look at the details in each case. But so far the few I have reviewed, 2 were accurate, but 3 were cases that the truth is still not known.
So as time permits I will review more of her cases….. But I think it’s safe to say she needs to evaluate her “accuracy” rating and using cases, that while there was a conviction or acquittal, does not prove she was right.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Capital Punishment

have really started to become disappointed in humans. 
Every year it seems that people get more selfish, greedy, lazy and just flat out stupid. 
Don't agree, turn on the news!  
And it's because of the simple fact that the stupid lazy people are the ones breeding. 
There should be laws in place to stop this. But clearly that does not happen. 

But even they tried to pass laws, all the stupid... I mean bleeding hearts out there would jump up and fight for the rights of these humans that really should not be allowed to breed at all…..

Imean, we have seen it before. Someone wants to fight for the rights of the murderer. That an eye for an eye solves nothing. 

Oh it does. 
Especially with rapists, murders and child molesters. 

Capital punishment would stop these wastes of space from repeating their crimes.  
And let’s be honest, it’s not like they get arrested and stay in jail forever. 

Good example..... Phillip Garrido. 

Don't know who I am talking about. Well figures. You live under a rock in la la land. 

He was in jail for a brutal rape. His victim survived. He beat and raped her for hours in a storage unit. Un-masked. 
He thought he left her for dead. But she survived.... 
So he does a little time.....Gets released and then proceeds to ruin the life of Jaycee Dugard and her family despite social workers and many calls to the police that a "WOMAN WAS LIVING IN HIS BACKYARD". 
Someone's ass better have gotten fired... 
This man should have been 6 feet under a long time ago. Instead, some assholes let him out to again do as he pleased. 

Personally.... I think they should all get best and raped before they get to decide to release this animal into the wild.

I bet your perspective may change! 
Actually, I know it will.

So being back real punishment! I know innocent people are convicted. But I am talking about those cases we know.

Phillip Garrido... His victim saw his face for hours. This was not a mistake. Not was it the first. Yet he was released.
Even now, despite kidnapping Jaycee Dugard at age 11 and raping her and holding her hostage for 18 years.... He lives.
He is a monster! 
Throw him in a cage and leave him there till he dies. He deserves to suffer! To be trapped, combined. He deserves no mercy. There is no doubt what he did.

Instead.... While there are kids all over the world starving...homeless.... Cold....  

This monster will be fed. He will have shelter. He will have air. 

Why?!?!? It's wrong.
Kill him! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Missing Isabel Celis…

This is another case I have followed and hoped for justice on.

 Look at this beautiful smiling little girl

I have really felt from early on the child was not alive and just “abducted” as her parents tried to claim. In fact I believe her parents are responsible for her death. 

For many reasons.

Dad spoke of her in the past tense.

a.       With statement analysis, it has shown that this is not something a parent of a missing child does. In your mind, the child is alive. So when speaking of them, you would not say your child “WAS a happy kid” but “IS a happy kid”. Dad said “she was, is so full of life” He spoke past tense and then stopped himself and said is.

b.      Even parents have had children pass away, it often takes years for them to speak of them in the past tense. It goes against their natural instinct.

Dad cracked a joke while speaking with the 911 operator and then chuckles. Saying that he just told his wife to “get her butt home”.

Now, for the parents out there that have had that split second fear when you lose your child in the store for a few moments.

What went through your mind? 

Was it anything outside finding your child?  

Would it even cross your mind to joke or laugh? 

How is anything funny? 

This would have to be the most terrifying moment of your life…. 

He is calling 911 becayse as he "claims", just discovered her missing. 



There was no urgency. It was if he had called in that someone stole a bike. Not his child.


This is alarming to me.


The other thing was that they did not speak out for her or like many cases I mention, SEARCH for her. 


Get off your ass and find your kid? Why would anyone just sit there? Cause they know there is not a missing child. 


How else do you sit there and do nothing? I would have to be restrained to keep me from searching for my son if someone took him!


Then after a lot of backlash for this, they do speak. And to explain why they did nothing.... Mom says they were “grieving”.


UM, WTF. Did you say grieving? 

No you selfish evil BITCH! 


You grieve if your childs dead body was found. If your child is missing, you are doing everything in your power to find her.



And yet here we are a couple years later…. no arrests. Mom and dad have gone about their lives and another innocent child has been lost somewhere out there.

The only "developments" were Sergio's claims that he believes a family member knows something. Something that he stated "could help bring her home" 

I'm calling bull shit I this one Sergio.

First of all, he does not state who this "family member" is, but says this person "refused to talk to the couples private investigator".

So many things wrong with this.

First of all, if someone took my son and I thought a family member or anyone knew something that would bring him home...I would not just sit back and shrug my shoulders of this person refused to talk. And why is it only that this person refuses to talk to their "private investigator" and not police.

I do t care who the fuck you are. If I think you could bring my missing child home... You could not hold me back. 

If I could get to you, I promise you one thing...me and my husband would get you to talk. 

To me this sounds more like Kate and Gerry Mccann with their efforts to keep some active "suspects" on the radar to avoid the obvious. 

They killed their child and are just trying to keep the facade up so they are not held accountable.

And since the world buys into bullshit even when it looks and smells like bullshit... They are getting away with it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Jose Baez is back

How does this man sleep at night?

To defend Casey Anthony and now the girl charged with bullying that lead to a teens suicide. 

To defend this evil bitch! 

Yes, evil. 

They are only "remorseful" now because someone has died and there is proof (from what I have read) of the cyber bullying. 

But if you have not done anything wrong, you would not feel remorse.

But... Baez please defend them. 

Let's put them on the stand in pink dresses and bows in their hair and protest them as sweet girls.

Cause sweet girls tell others to "drink bleach and die".

But clearly there are enough stupid people out there to buy this bullshit. 

Casey Anthony walked free.

But that's right, she was searching high and low for her adorable baby girl. The night clubs, tattoo parlor. Sure.

These lawyers are a disgrace to the profession!