What I noticed was that this poorly written article lacking any facts that did nothing but discredit the Portugal police was generating even more unintelligent comments.
So I felt I too needed to comment.
The just of my comment was that for those that took the time to create an account (required in order to post comments) only to be insulting and bashing the police in Portugal, should, at least do more than skim this joke of an article that lacked any case facts. To do some research and education themselves.
I then stated what were in fact, facts.
Which include:
Mom and dad left their 2 and 3 yr old alone in the room that was a 1.5-2 min walk away (go outside and walk for 1.5 minutes and stop. Could you hear your crying kid? I promise you can not. Facts we all know.
Mom then left her twins in the same room where she claims Madeleine was kidnapped immediately after discovering Madeline gone to run back to the resturant leaving them alone AGAIN? Mom even states this herself when sharing the story.
During the chaotic panic ridden police investigation, 20+ people in the room, searching, yelling, etc the police noted that the twins NEVER woke or even moved. This was the police reports. Fact.
The police asked Kate 48 questions. She refused to answer.
Police asked them to alow the twins to be drug tested for sedatives. They refused
Police asked them to take a polygraph. They refused.
Police as the parents and the group to re-enact the night Madeleine disappeared to clear up inconsistencies in time lines. They all refused.
Mom and never once physically looked for their daughter. Kate even states this.
So all of these refusals are facts. Can be seen in statements on you tube or in the police reports.
So someone replied to my comment.
Now had they used logic or even facts I could respect their views.
Instead this person stated to me:
"You are a fucking moron. The Maccann's submitted to every single tests requested"
So, I replied, simply "which test?"
The replied with more insults then stated "you need to stop reading national inquirer"
Again I found myself laughing.
And again asked "which test?"
They did then finally reply" they took the drug tests"
Ok... Now, I am talking about the investigation in Portugal. And the requests made by police IN PORTUGAL.
SO I gave this person a sliver of credit. For the one article where a Mccann attorney stated "a strand of hair was tested".
Now. Let's discuss this.
First of all, standard laboratory drug tests, even on hair typically do not show results of any drug taken more than 90 days ago. Hair drug tests require 90-120 hairs taken directly from the scalp. And Kare was a doctor and doctors constantly use drug testing labs so it is more than likely a lab in London where she lived and practiced medicine, she would be very familiar with how testing is done.
So with that information let's talk about this tests she did for herself and the twins.
Recall Madeleine went missing on May 3rd.
And recall, standard drug testing on hair yields results up to 90 days.
Kate then had this test conducted in September. At least 120 days later.
Kate did this test in London.
No proof has even been shared. And even if she provided a copy of this test to Portugal, while I do not know their laws in regards to this, I doubt highly this test done in another country at a lab that could very well have been vendor (conflict of interest) would hold any legal weight in Portugal if there ever there was any formal charges made against them.
So as I shared this information, this person again replies:
"Your a stupid idiot! This test was part of a criminal investigation and would not be under standard testing protocol".
What kills me, outside of the continued childish insults... Is that he states this tests was part of a "criminal investigation".
Kate doing an independent test in another country.... is not part of a criminal investigation. She was not required to do this test as part of the investigation AND how does he know if a criminal investigation case would be different than this anyways.
And seriously, had she really wanted to prove the lack of drugs in the twins system, she would have agreed to test them when police in Portugal requested.
She instead refused.
So OMG... again I was back to debates with mindless drones who blindly follow lies.
So I had to stop.
This quickly sucked me in. Yet there was no end in sight.
Ignorance at this level will never see past "just because" and will fail time and again to communicate with logic or fact.
So I had to refrain from returning to respond.
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