Sunday, October 13, 2013

Madeleine MacCann

I have a very strong opinion on this case.
I don’t say “theory” as I did not come to this on my own. I simply believe in this theory that others have come to based on what I know on this case. And I have added in some of why I fully the support the theory.
Now before we get started, while I have no clue if anyone will ever read this, if you do, and do not agree, I would love to hear why. But please do not waste our time with ‘just because I think so” or because of something you read on Kate or Gerrys blog. Use facts in the case and logic to support your argument. Otherwise I will just ignore it. I have gotten into debates on many cases with someone who can not see logic and it goes no where. They would argue that leaves are red just because that is how they see them with out any reason or logic. And nothing will change what they want to believe.

So again, I am open criticism on any case I discuss on my blog or a correction if I have the wrong facts. I do not care about your opinion unless there is some logic behind it.

So, my opinion is that Kate and Gerry are responsible for Madeleine’s disappearance.
A couple of things I want to highlight before I get into the details from my perspective.
1.      Gerry and Kate feel that 2 and 3 year old kids are safe alone despite being about a 2 minute walk away. I walk to my son to school to pick up him. It takes us 2.5 minutes and it is a block and a half away.  
2.      Kate claimed one child was kidnapped, but then proceeded to leave the room and the twins behind to go alert the others
3.      It has been said that the twins slept through Kate’s supposed screams, searching, police investigation, and transfer to another hotel.
4.      Gerry and Kate refused to take a polygraph
5.      Gerry and Kate refused to allow the twins to be drug tested for the first 5 months
6.      Gerry and Kate did not physically search for their missing child ever
So, I have read many theories, many sides. I have also read the parents views, listened to their statements etc and believe fully that they are guilty. That they drugged the kids. Madeleine likely died as a result of the drugging (either from the drugs themselves or was harmed due to the drugs) and they hid the body in order to avoid going to jail and well, losing everything.
So, I reviewed both many times and used as much of the “we know for sure” facts as I could.
Now,  I know there is more evidence and facts I know nothing about as in any case. I am not law enforcement so I have to base this off what information is available.

I may be wrong. I may be right.

So I am going to just jump right in.

Now the basis I think behind this whole ordeal is that they drugged the kids to ensure they would sleep through the night.
Now, they say that when someone is lying... They will avoid eye contact and that touching or pulling on their ears are both signs of deception.
Well, interesting... This lil clip they were asked directly if they gave the kids anything. Right as Gerry is denying this, I stopped the video. The link is then blow if you don't believe me.
And I need to add in, Gerry says "we will take any test", but... I guess the ole lie detector tests was not one of "any tests" they will take and refusing to allow the twins to be drug tested for 5 months only confirms that you are very well aware that drugs can remain in the system for some time. And from what I have been told, longer if there has been repeated use over time.

Link to the video:

Now, to deviate a bit so I can explain for on my reasoning besides their guilty as fuck video.. 
That complaint from a neighboring guest was the clincher for me.
I can explain.
Let’s say you are 15. It is Friday night, you snuck out of the house. Then, your mom, on her way to bed, opened the door and saw your empty bed. 

So it’s now Saturday night, and you have made the decision to sneak out yet again. 

But, since you were caught last night because of the empty bed. Tonight you take extra precautions. You fill your bed with pillows and stick you old doll at the top so it appears that it is your hair laying on the pillow. Classic teen trick.

So…would it make sense if Friday night you get caught... Then Saturday you do the same thing?

No! Instead you now take that extra precaution to ensure that you don’t get caught AGAIN.  

Now Gerry and Kate tried to make us believe this “checking” on the kids.. every hour, or wait…. 30 minutes… No wait every 15 minutes…… Whatever it was…. I still call bullshit….was perfectly acceptable. 
Acceptable if your shitty parents. 
Which sorry, they are. THAT IS A FACT. 

And to side line quickly, go sit at your dinner table. Set you alarm to go off every 15 minutes. Then every 15 minutes when it goes off, get up, go outside and walk for 2 minutes... Stand there for a 1-2 minutes (imagine unlocking a door <remember they said they did this> and walking in to "check" on the kids) then walking back. Now sit down... The alarm will go off again soon. Now do it all over again. Now I am sure even if you only imagined doing this, you are still over this. Now imagine doing this as they claim every night several nights in a row. Now multiply this by several parents and imagine how much fun they would have? constant up and down and walking back and forth. No winder they refude to fo the reinactment. So, still think they were doing regular checks on the kids? 

They we're not. Trust me. 

So back on topic.... Now recall the Mccanns also tried to tell us their kids “always” slept through the night. 
What parent is lucky enough that they have 1 kid that will ALWAYS sleep through the night, but they expect us to believe that all 3 kids ALWAYS sleep through the night. At ages 2 and 3... I again call bullshit. Never! 
And this was in The Mccann household. Madeleine was rewarded for "staying in her bed"? 

Wait, I thought she was a sound sleeper and slept through the night?

Plus, we know that the night before, that did not happen… the neighbor guest reported their child crying in their room for OVER AN HOUR and the parents also told us that Madeliene asked them where they were. So not only were they NOT checking as often as they claimed, but the kids did wake up and their oldest called them out on it. 
So where someone with a temporary lack in judgment the night before may have felt comfortable leaving them alone again, I would expect now would choose to stay in or take advantage of the hotels childcare services. 

Instead,  Gerry and Kate choose to AGAIN leave their small children alone unattended. 

Now, it is VERY likely the kids could again wake up. And again, go unattended. Cause while you may buy the insane every 15 minute check BS, I do not. They were unattended.  Add in the risk that a neighbor guest could call and complain AGAIN.....this would cause some red flags (such as report to police etc) and I do not think mom an dad were about to risk this. 
But I don’t think so. 

So that is where I believe the drugging of the kids came into play. 

Now, I would expect them to have done this before. But that is very much just my assumption. And Kate having made a career, well, of putting people to sleep, I think it would be very simple for her to do. So everyone that defends them and states they did not give them Cepol (or what ever that popular British drug is) could be right. That has been compaired to NyQuil in the states. And while it would put a child to sleep, they would not sleep through the chaos that would have gone on with the room searches, police, eye running all over. That would take something more. Something I am sure doctors would be able to get their hands on.
So.... To sum it up..  I would think they did take at least one precaution to ensure they were not again reported. I think that precaution was sedation. 
Now, from what I have been able to find it appears this theory that the children were drugged was due to the fact that as I mention above, the twins slept through Kate yelling, the police investigation, people coming and going and being transferred to another hotel……The twins never woke up. And this is also a fact that has not been disputed by Gerry and Kate. Kate even try's to blame possible drugging on the "kidnapper". Sorry, that's a stretch. But if that crossed her mind, why not take them to the hospital and demand testing. An innocent person would be concerned their children did not wake up. They were not. That is also alarming. 
So, do you buy that? That they were just super sound sleepers? Both kids? 
Well, Beleive what you want, but I call bullshit yet again. 
So let’s assume they were drugged to ensure they would sleep through the parents night out with friends.
If there was an accident in the process, Madeleine fell, was dropped, etc and that killed the child. 

Now my personal theory is that Madeleine got up (if she was drugged would be groggy) and in looking for her mom and dad crawled on the couch trying to look out the window and fell.. There was blood and after laying there for sometime unattended too, died. (This also explains both the blood and cadavour scent behind the couch. And since a dead body would need to have laid there for sometime (I have read it takes about 2 hours after death for the body to begin the process that would result in the cadavour scent) then this also rules out the checks as they stated since they would have found her sooner. 
What options do they have. Really? 

Call the authorities?  

No! Being doctors especially, they know the drugs would show up in an autopsy. Then mom and dad are being charged with 2nd degree murder. Would likely be convicted, they would go to jail, lose their other kids and their licenses to practice medicine. 

Or they claim the child was kidnapped.

So which option would you choose. For them, I think it was more about them and their freedom. 

And not that I would ever leave my children alone, I know if I was in that situation, my concern would be for the welfare of my living children. 
So, I think they made a choice to call this an abduction. To save the livelihood of the remaining family.  
And that they had to put on their game face and play that role.
That is why they did not search
That is why they refused to answer so many questions
That is why they refused to take a polygraph
And that is why they refused to allow the twins to be tested in that first 5 months

And, the Tapas group. The only reason I could see that they would stand by this charade would be if they possibly all took advantage of this sedation.

I mean think about it, of that's what caused Maddies death, any of them could have been in the same situition...  And if they implicate Gerry and Kate, if their own kids were also drugged... They implicate themselves. 

So I think that's is why this group stood by their story. They were all in just as deep.... 

And regardless, children should not be left alone. It is a crime in most states in the US. 
And for those of you with kids (and the media who seem to think this was harmless) think about your kids at the age of 2 and 3. Just imagine for a moment. I know I recall my son at these ages. 

You have to watch them every minute. They are walking, crawling, grabbing. They want to touch and feel everything. Put it in their mouth. Grab, pull, climb. 

This is why it is a crime in so many places. For the simple fact that at this young of an age, being left alone is just flat out dangerous. And for this group, selfish! 
Daddy can try to minimize all he wants be comparing it to be in the "back garden" (which I equate to a back yard for those of us in America). But no!  BULLSHIT Gerry Mccann!
This is NOT the same on any level. 
If you are in your back yard, your child can get up and come get you if needed. If they are crying, they can be heard and tended too. A TWO minute walk away at restaurant with several adults talking and drinking…. 
Even if they were checking every 15 minutes which I do not believe, imagine leaving your 2 or 3 year old alone for 15 minutes. Imagine how much they could get into. Follow a 2 year old around for a even just 5 minutes and you will understand.
Sure it was night, and as they claim, they sleep through the night, but we already know this is not true.

So that Gerry, is “rubbish” as you would put it.

So, fact, this is is dangerous. Yet despite their perceived intelligence, and well, ability to even obtain childcare at the hotel, they choose to put their children at risk in order to “hang out” with friends. 
Not to mention, Madeline had free reign to simply get out of bed (she was not in a confined crib) and walk around. The twins were a little safer being in the portable cribs. But, my son at the age of 2, had learned out to get out of his regular full size crib. So, again, I have to call them out on their sheer lack of concern for the welfare of their kids. 
Selfish much?

No good parent would ever consider this option. A good parent would get child care or stay in.

So at this point, we know that the night before, they were not checking as often as they stated. The simple fact the guest stated the child had cried for over an hour proves this. Fact!

And I also think that is why Kate decided to skirt around the complaint by telling us herself that Madeleine asked them “where were you last night”. But what she did was twist that to be an “attempted abduction” the night before. 

I again feel a strong need to call serious BULLSHIT here. This to me says a lot. And to me plays more into their cover up story. I mean seriously? Do people beleive this? The answer is yes. People are that niave! 
But wtf, why would that be your first thought rather than the kids just woke up and there was NO ONE there to tend to them. Now it's an attempted abduction? Please. 
And even more OBVIOUS..... I'm, Madeline asked you where you were. So... Guess what BITCH, she can talk. I am sure had a "kidnapper" woke them, Madeliene would have seen them and stayed "someone was in our room" rather than where were you?".  

But please by all means, despite all this obvious bullshit, beleive them. 
But I beleive had there been a strange man in their room, she would have told them.

So the fact that they inserted this ridiculous comment here again, only added to their guilt in my eyes and their "abdication" story to them. 

This is what is called explaining it into your story.  
And what happened when discussed in interviews....  the reporters all proceed with the interview. No one stopped asked them to explain this bullshit. But I think it's clear many times interviers miss these chances to clarify. 
I know I found myself yelling at the television many times over this. It just seemed absurd!
So they expect us to believe the kids always slept through the night. But they didn’t the night before. And the night Madeleine was “abducted” that they (well the twins anyways) did sleep through. 

Even during the police investigation, and changing hotels. They did not wake once? But a possible abductor who would be as quiet as possible… That woke them? Sure! 

Now let’s talk about the blood and cadaver dogs. 

But Gerry and Kate said these dogs are "unreliable". That's right. That's why thousands of dogs world wide are used to find dead and alive bodies, drugs, etc. cause they are so unreliable? 

But let's talk more about Eddie and Keela. Both of these dogs were extremely experienced and had a track records of 100% accuracy. They say the more experience the stronger their accuracy... Just an FYI. 
Now one can argue it did not meet levels for the blood and we have no proof it was the dead body of Madeleine and that is true. But let’s look at this a little more.
Now the blood DNA match which was 88% linked to Madeleine, while it is too low to be inadmissible in court, when you consider not only that 16% of the sample was not usable and the fact that someone has no relation to a DNA sample would results in a 0% match, you have to give this some weight. 

But I do understand that there is still a lot of controversy over this testing. And even if this was 100%, it does not prove anything other than there was blood in the room. And let’s face it, kids do bleed. I am logical. I can let this one go. 
But, really sold me on the actual death however, was the cadaver dog.  And the multiple hits. To include Madeleines favorite toy. 

Now mom excuses it stating she came into contact with 6 dead bodies the week before her vacation.
How, I have read that to transfer the scent, she would have had to be in direct physical contact (touching) the dead body for several minutes. Now while I find it unlikely as a part time GP she came into contact with even one dead body, much less 6, I think its safe to say that assuming she did, she would then have needed to be pressed up against them for several minutes. On her pants? Madeleines FAVORITE toy? Is this reasonable? 

I do not buy it. But please, add this to the list of crazy shit that could have happened. Your right, it's all just random bad luck that happened the night their child goes missing. 
But so let's assume for the sake of argument that Kate held 6 dead bodies, or even just one. Maybe cuddle cat was in her pocket that day at work... So what caused the scent. There was a dead body in several places in that room. This is a fact. So... Did they again have such bad luck (again) to get the one room that someone died in? And if someone had just died, they would not leave traces in the closet and behind the couch... On a couch, or a bed sure. But not a closet. Not happening unless... Maybe there was a murder in there before. Or maybe it was 2 different deaths? 

But the hotel stated no one had died in the room. So the only option would be a former murder, being that it was not known. 

And let's say someone did in fact diezz how often do people die actually die on vacation and again, leave the scent behind the couch and in the closest? 

And then it was again found in the car they rented.

So what now? We have 2 separate vacation rentals. A hotel and car. Both had a dead body in them? What are the odds? And on the key ring too? Did the person die accidently in the trunk holding the car key? Sure. Totally happens! 
Are we adding another just shitty peice of luck? 

And last but not least.
The simple fact is that they did not look for their child. EVER.  This does it more for me towards their guilt than the mountain of evidence. 
I have seen parents more frantic, going door to door, crying and upset over the family pet. 
Gerry and Kate do not show any signs of frantic parents looking for their "abducted" child. But more parents that are trying to “play the part” of an abduction to keep from facing charges. 
So, that is why, for those that still think they are innocent, that they continue to “appear” to be looking. 

Looking if you consider running marathons, accepting money into a fund (a fund that unlike most is private), going on talk shows and suing people that wrote about their guilt.. is looking. That brings home missing kids. Right? 

Nope. But it brings in money, keeps up appearances of that of an abduction but does nothing to find Maddie. 
And, like I said, this private "Find Madeleine” fund is not regulated as most are. And from what I have read, they can and have used it to pay for their bills. That less than 17% has been used to search for their daughter.  So 83% has been used for their own personal needs.  If your child was "kidnapped" would you use 83% on well, personal needs? And a measly 17% to find your missing child? 

They are not broke. Someone on a blog tried to argue they were. Please? 

Gerry has returned to work. The fund continues to bring in donations. And they are paid when they do talk shows. 

So why then would you spend only 17% to find your missing daughter. 

In fact, they have even spent more on lawyers to fight the release of books written by Goncalo Amaral  and Pat Brown (profiler). Both have very similar beliefs as to what happened. Similiar to the theory that i too support. 

So why, if you only wish to find your daughter, do you feel the need to not only spend more money, but time in this fight? If you are innocent? Why? 
Those that stand by them as innocent will not buy the books. Those that already think they are guilty will, but it will not change their views. 
Still they have supporters. Millions. And still they have those that think they are guilty. These books are not changing that. 

So Gerry and Kate,  why are you not putting that effort into looking for your child?
Peter Hyatt who writes a blog about statement analysis (I have a post on this) wrote something once that really makes so much sense. 
I am paraphrasing but.... He said....
Imagine being in the store. You turn your  back for a moment, and your child is gone.

What do you do? 
Many parents have experienced this. I know for me, the split second of panic was horrifying. And it was but seconds. 
Yet I found myself frantically calling his name and I began looking immediately!

It was instinctive! 
Now imagine this happens. Instead of searching the store, calling out and going up and down every isle and looking under every rack… go about shopping. Go home and just wait and hope someone calls that they found her.

Gerry and Kate did just that . They sat and just waited.
They did not spend one minute looking. But will spend months fighting someone from writing a book.

So after knowing that Kate and Gerry NEVER once searched for Madeleine…. Add in the refusal to answer questions… 
How do you explain this and stand by their innocence? Innocent parents search. 
Natalie Holloways parents went to Aruba. Her parents tracked down Joren. Her parents hounded him when he denied he knew her. Her parents knocked down the doors of crack houses putting themselves in danger, dug in landfills, garbage cans etc searching for anything.
Now ask your self again, would you look for your kid or would you continue your vacation?
Kate and Gerry after a couple days NOT searching…. Continued their vacation. 
The Holloways have dug, fought, searched, knocked down doors, tracked people down to find their child. 
Still think the McCann’s are innocent?
Give me one reason why?
But....if you believe they are innocent that means the following: 
The McCann’s did nothing wrong leaving 2 and 3 yr olds alone. 

That sitting at a loud restaurant drinking and talking a 2 MINUTE walk away is the same as being in your back yard.
You need to think that the police did nothing to help find madeleine. The thousands of people that searched on foot, land and water did nothing to help find Madeleine. That this "file" on the case also shows how little was done. 

Refusing to answer questions is what innocent parents do. It's you against the police when you have a missing kid. They are the enemy. 
That the very experienced cadaver and blood dogs with many years of exp and well, only a 100% accuracy, were this one time….. were wrong. The multiple hits were all just due to the lack of training and exp and their track record proves they are wrong. 100% accuracy does not mean they are accurate.
Someone did die in their rental apartment AND rental car and the body was once in the closet and the trunk. The hotel and car rental company just lied.
That they refused to take polygraphs because innocent people fail them all the time when telling the truth 
2 and 3 year olds  always sleep through the night even fall right asleep super early even with extra stimulation like being on a fun vacation with several other kids
That it's more important to stop the release of books that claim your guilty rather than find your child 

And last but not least.... 9 days later..., while your child is still missing... On her birthday you would look this happy... Now they stated that the laughter was because some balloons flew in their face. But imagine a devestating time in your life. Is anything funny? Your child was kidnapped as you claim and could be cold, hungry, scared but sure balloons would take all this horror away. They look devestated and horrified don't they. 

So, you are saying, the police are wrong, the dogs are wrong, and I guess I must be too if you believe the bs they are trying to sell.
Good for you!

You failed the common sense test. 

You probably also think Michael Jacskn is innocent and thinks its totally normal for a grown man to have little boys sleep in his bed frequently and an alarm on your bedroom door that rings when anyone comes I'm. 

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