Especially since I will often refer to this amazing life changing little “tool” I have learned.
So what is Statement Analysis you ask? I am gonna tell you. Now for the official definition…..“The study of the spoken word to identify deception and sensitivity in language”
Or in other words, how to tell if someone is feeding you a bunch of bullshit.
May not know what or why, but shows you where to ask that next question.
It’s a beautiful thing really, and has become one of the most valuable things I have learned in my short little life.
Plus as I mentioned with my mother, the pathological liar… It’s like therapy for me! Weird? Yeah sure but I see things quite different than a lot of people.
Now before I get into my dummied down version, I do feel the need to give credit to the creator, Avinoam Sapir.
He came up with this theory that you can determine if a person is being deceptive based on the choice of words they choose to use and furthermore, some of the additional statements that enter their speech can go on to give more clues about the events such as to help determine the time a murder occurred or where the body may be found.
Even if the person is stating they are “innocent”. Innocent by the way does not mean they “didn’t do that”.
But keep reading, I will explain…
I will admit, it took me a while to fully accept it. I did try to test the theory many times. It is what I do. I don’t just accept anything on face value. Magic, hypnotism, religion….. I don’t buy in to it, and I must have proof or at least, it needs to make some logical sense. Logic being a big part of how my mind words.
But, so I tested it and tried to prove it wrong. But…. always always came back that statement analysis did really work. Times that I would lie myself (get real, we all lie) I would realize later than my words used showed my own deception.
Before I discovered this, I admit that my mind struggled with statements made in cases where there was a “missing person” or a murder victim, (since I do follow crimes) but I didn’t know why until I found this.
I have listened to people speak and I hear more than what they are trying to convince you of. But again, I never really understood why.
So, I was watching the news one night about missing child, Hailey Dunn in Texas a couple years back (I will be discussing this case later, but keep reading for now) and I immediately felt that the mothers response to questions just didn’t fit and I felt like she was lying. Now the fact that she looks like a crack whore, and let’s face it crack whores typically are not getting mother of the year awards, it was more than that. Part of it for me was that she could not seem to just answer the questions being asked on Nancy “I want to investigate” Grace.
That has always bugged me!
It’s something I see a lot even at work. You have that worthless ass co-worker that when asked a simple “yes” or “no” question in a team meeting will proceed to ramble (I say this as there is no clear point) for 10 minutes, not answer the question and yet leave the table convinced the question was answered. Often even getting a mental high five for being fucking awesome. FAIL! I often sat there watching everyone and realized I was the ONLY one that realized this person was full of shit. But hey, some people speak well even with out any substance. I call this “bull shitting” and as I have said before, I will have a post later to get more into this….
So where was I?
So, I googled the case hoping to learn more about this mother. Billie Jean Dunn. One of the links I came across was on a blog written by Mr Peter Hyatt <3. Peter is a Statement Analysis…Analyst. Say that 3 times super fast……
I was instantly hooked!!! 2 years later, I rarely go more than a couple days with out reading his blog.
So, as I read his analysis of the words the mother used, it began to make sense. Lightbulb! There was a reason I knew she was lying. Even if I didn’t realize why, there was logic to this. And that was something I could relate too. Even if I did question parts of it at times, being the forever skeptic, logically most of it just made sense.
So let’s talk first about deception or lying. Lying is stressful. Now, some lies…. Not so much. If your friend asks “do you like my new hair cut”, like it or not, the average person will politely say “yes” with no stress even if they do not. There is no real risk here.
But let’s go back to the case above. The mother, Billie Dunn has reported her child “missing” and is now on national news being asked questions about her daughter, the night she last saw her etc etc…She is not reading a script, but rather having to speak freely.
Speaking freely on live television leaves you limited time to formulate a response. So that means you are speaking instinctively. If you are now in a position where you need to lie, this is highly stressful. Add in the possibility that she is lying about her missing child, and possibly caused harm….. The stress is higher.
So, by just listening to the words she uses, you can detect deception.
Now understand, deception may not be because she murdered her child, it could be that there were other problems in the house she is trying to hide. That would then would guide the interviewer to probe for more information.
Let me explain. So let’s say John was being charged with murder of his wife Jane. And let’s say analysis of his statements were noted for deception, BUT he was not asked those additional questions that would provide more details…. So we have “deception” noted. But we don’t know why. We now know only that there is deception but not why. So let’s say later John is cleared. The true murderer was found.
Now critics of statement analysis will and have come back and claimed statement analysis was wrong in this case.
But in this case, it was not stated “John killed Jane”. Just that “deception was noted”.
So… Lets say in this case…. John was having an affair. Even if he didn’t kill his wife Jane, being that typically a spouse is the first suspect in a murder case, and any problems in a marriage can and are used as “motive, he is now facing a big problem. And like most, at this point will often lie. So the deception here was not because he was “guilty” of her murder, but did have “guilty” knowledge that he lied about.
So do you get it?
So “deception” or “sensitivity” noted just means that more questions are needed.
But most the time on these shows the interviewers do not ask those good questions and take the responses at face value. Even when questions are all together avoided, they often don’t catch that and continue.
So before I talk more about this particular case, let’s talk about the 2 most basics fundamentals of statement analysis. Pronouns and verb tense.
"Pronouns". So, by the age of 3 when kids are learning to speak, pronouns are one of the first things they learn. “My’, “me”, “mine” becomes instinctive even at that age and only increases with time. A baby can say “my toy” or take a toy from another baby and say “mine”.
Then there is “verb tense”. Think about someone asking you to tell them about an event that happened, yesterday, a month, years ago. What verb tense do you use when you speak of events in the past? “Past tense”. You would not say “I am walking to school yesterday”. You would say “I walkED to school yesterday”. If someone says, tell me about your son (who is alive and well)…. You would not say, “My son WAS a great kid”. You would say “My son IS a great kid”. However, if your child was deceased, then it would be appropriate to say “my son WAS”. However, it also been shown that most parents who lose a child struggle with this and it often takes years before they speak of them in the past tense. Well, except those that appear to be responsible for that childs death. But more on that later. So let’s look at a statement made by this crack whore while on Nancy Grace.
Nancy Grace: How far did she have to go to the sleep over? Billie Dunn: “Four or five blocks. It wasn’t usual for Hailey to…she wasn’t allowed to…”
SHIT. Did u catch that?
She spoke of Hailey in past tense. TWICE! Alarm bells should have gone off here and Nancy Grace, had she been trained in “statement analysis” should have stopped Billie at this point and said “wasn’t?” Past tense? Do you have reason to believe Hailey is deceased? I would have loved to see how she responded. But unfortunately these responses rarely are noticed by the one asking the questions.
I know some of you, like me still are questioning this. I mean we all slip and speak improperly. I have used past tense in error. Yes this does happen. But there is more to this. If you are just chatting with a friend it’s one thing. If you beloved child is missing, you are on high alert, you are frantic and speaking of this child in past tense at this point is very alarming.
Past tense usage by the parent(s) of a missing child is completely unnatural and one of the most obvious clues to listen for. Get them to talk. Even if they are very good and speaking in present tense, there are a lot of cases where the parent will slip up the more they talk. Isabel Celis’s (a missing child in Arizona) father slipped once. Caught himself and corrected it. And that is another case I believe the parents are responsible for the child’s disappearance. So you have 2 basics, but that is only the beginning. There are many things such as “Avoiding the question” “Avoiding a reliable denial” “Change in language”
Let’s look at the reliable denial first. What this means is that if asked “what do you say to those that
Think you are responsible for the murder?”. The way the person responds can possibly give you the truth. I say possibly since there are many ways to respond to a question like that. And often it will require additional questions. But think about how you would respond. Yes I agree that a serious accusation is hard to imagine for most of us, and how you really respond may vary, still try to imagine. I imagine this and think…. I would say “I did not kill….” I would address that immediately. What if someone said instead “there is no proof”. Would that convince you? Often this does convince people. Or think of it this way. Did this person tell you “they did not kill…” Or would it just mean the person was confident there was no evidence to be found. Or what about “I am innocent”. Well, if you consider that lying is stressful and facing murder charges most “guilty” suspects have avoided a direct answer, then also consider that even if this person did in fact kill…. That by at least American law “you are innocent UNTIL proven guilty”, that since they are speaking now, they are by legal standards “innocent”. Let’s look at a specific case. Michael Jackson. He was accused, more than once I might add, of child molestation. In fact it was claimed that one of the victims even provided details on the appearance of Michaels genitals that were accurate. So, as you can imagine, these are very serious charges. Less serious for the rich and famous, let’s just be honest, often fame and money does give you, literally, that get out of “jail free card”. But before I get started on that, let’s look at the interview Michael did with Martin Bashir. Just one question. Martin Bashir: But how did you feel about what was being said, I’m not asking you to talk about was said……. Michael Jackson: I was shocked because God knows in my heart how much I adore children…… So, here he states he was shocked. But not because he did not do it. But “because god knows…. ” How many millions of people watched this bizarre interview and believed Michael was innocent (and saying innocent in this context is not the same as saying innocent when asked a person if they committed a crime). Did ever say “I did not molest those kids?” Never. Yet millions believed him? Funny how because he is famous, that even with out denying he molested the kids, he was believed. The problem again is that people do not listen. The hear what they want to hear. And saying “I adore children” is not a lie. He does. But he never states he is not also “sexually attracted to them.” Which is where we clearly have a case where he has been unable to issue a “reliable denial”. I did not molest kids”. But the fans and believers will continue to hear what they want. Before I go on, I have to ask you believers. If the single man next door asked you to allow your 7 year old son to spend the night and sleep in his bed, would you say yes? If you answer any way but “hell no” then please leave me your name and address so I can call CPS immediately. Seriously. Always no! But for the rest that feel that it’s “different” because Michael is rich and famous. Tell me why? I promise there is no good reason. The parents that allowed this should be interviewed by CPS. They allowed this. And settling out of court allowed it to continue. There is no person on this earth or any amount of money that I would jeopardize my son for. No one! There is no difference. A man is a man. Michael Jackson, while I do believe was also abused physically and sexually as a child, is still a child molestor. Statement analysis has been done on Michael and one of his most recent victims who is now an adult. Analysis: Michael was deceptive Victim was telling the truth So moving on…
Next, lets look at “change in language”. In statement analysis, they say that a person will not change the word that they use (think gun, pistol, weapon) unless their perception has changed.
Example: So let’s say a person who was shot, when giving his statement to police, first describes the suspect as having a “gun”. Then when he gets to the part of the statement where he has been shot and now refers to this “gun” as a weapon” we can note that the victim is speaking the truth.
Here is why. He went from “gun” to “weapon”. The “change in language” started with gun. Then, when he was shot, this change in perception has turned it into a weapon in his mind. This actually happened in the George Zimmerman case. Despite the controversy, I will be writing about this case as well. There were many truthful statements George made, including that one but the media choose to make this rational and so the world jumped on that bandwagon with out looking at the facts. But I am getting off track again and I hope you read my post on him later.
So… Statement analysis is SUPER AWESOME but this is not a blog about statement analysis.
If you are interested, just google Peter Hyatt and Mark McClish. Both have websites dedicated to this. In fact Mark McClish discusses Lee Harvey Oswald. It’s quite interesting! I recommend learning more about it. It is amazing and there have even been a couple times when they have identified deception and later had the person admit to lying. See Lance Armstrong for one. Both have written about him and he did later admit he lied.
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