Monday, October 14, 2013

Silvia Brown - psychic or big ole fraud?

I think it’s safe to say that Silvia Brown is one of the most famous psychic’s America. 


While there are likely many that have never heard of her, for those that do believe, she is well known.

And to give her credit, she has written many books, appeared on countless talk shows and is by all accounts is very wealthy. Due to this “gift”. But this gift is with out warrant.

And while mostpsychics claim that they can not "always" be right, and some claim that "free will" can change any direction your life is headed.. Well then are you really a pyshic? And well, the last rates Silvia posted on her website aside from her new "inner circle" membership rates $49.95, and newsletter for $19. 95, a reading by Silvia (despite even recent headlines that prove she is anything but psychic) costs a mere $495! So really, $495 to see where your life is headed, that may or may not even come true. 

Hmmm.. That is appalling.

But, we know, clearly, there always be those that are gullible enough to still, today, believe in her abilities.

Still, the fact that she claims an 85-90% accuracy on her “predictions” with out any facts to back it up amazes me. And while you would expect her believers to question that, they simply do not. Evident by the simple fact that she continues to rake it in.

Now, what I would love to know,  is where exactly she came up with this number. Let’s face it, if you do the research (I will say this a lot, people often just assume what they read is true and fail to research to get to the facts) you will find not one single “prediction” she made that was later proven to be accurate. At least any that can be proven to be "unknown" prior to her "prediction" I have looked!


So, then where would this rate come from? Or is this just a rate she pulled out of her magic hat? 

So for those of you that may read this and find issue with this, explain to me why. Tell me what predictions she has made that came true? Now, let’s be fair, I know she has advised on many cases such as missing kids that remain unsolved.  So while it is fair to say that in many cases, until the crime is solved by the police, we cannot prove she was right. 

But let’s look at a couple cases (there are many  more) where she did “predict” the outcome, and well, the case was solved and her claims were, for lack of a better way to state this, completely inaccurate on every level.

Now, before I get in to that, it is fair to assume that some of you will refuse to accept that she is well, in my eyes, a fraud. So please do your research before you choose to dispute my post. Do not just dispute with out anything to back it up. And, considering the fact that today so many of the shows she has been on post the transcripts from the show online, and well you can search those cases to find any that have since been solved. You can do this research yourself. So don’t take my word for it (which is what I have said all along is half the problem). Look at the facts. Don't jump off that cliff when you don't know what is below. 


So let’s look at a recent case in the news. Ariel Castro, the man that had abducted 3 girls and held them captive for over 10 years…. Well did you know that Silvia Brown spoke to one of the mothers?

Gina Williams. The mother was on the Montel Williams show on November 5, 2002.  When she asked Silvia, if her daughter was out there, Silvia responded “I hate when they’re in the water”, then, said “She’s not alive honey.”

The mother was devastated. And has since passed. Yet Gina was alive.  Another missing child that Silvia stated was no longer alive was Shawn Hornbeck. He was also found alive and had been held captive for 4 years.

This is just 2 of many cases, that she has been proved wrong on. And to be fair, if you think of the odds… Most missing kids never return home, they are in her favor.

And while you would think when she is questioned, she would realize it was time to change careers, instead she stated that she is right more than she is wrong. Well, Silvia, tell us which predictions you were right about? What is interesting, when you think in terms of statement analysis (please read my post on that) if you are bold enough to make that claim, then you should by all means back your shit up with facts. She never has. 

Again, please do your research. Don’t take my word for it that this woman is simply a fraud.


But I would like to share one more case she "read". 

A group went under cover, with the claims that they wanted to inquire about a missing child. What Silvia did not know was that the photo of the missing little girl was a phone of Lisa Guerrero from Inside Edition when she was a child. Lisa who mind you was an adult at this time, alive and well. 

Silvia took the case, let’s face it, she does this for money. And she asked for $400! YIKES! Is that the going rate for a guess?And clearly her INABILITY has not reduced her rates, they have gone up.  

So, now what did Silvia state happened to this "missing girl"? She said “I don't believe she's alive. I'm sorry. I believe that it was a violent passing."


When Guerrero herself said  to her "This little girl is me, and you told somebody that she's dead."

Silvia’s response…… "Wait a minute, you didn't disappear?" 

"I'm right here," Guerrero replied .

Statement analysis always addresses those responses which are just questions. She clearly had no room to answer with any facts. So that stalls. 

So, there we have just 3 cases. Where she was clearly wrong. And despite my efforst to find a single case she was accurate on….again where it was clear was not something she could have been aware was coming..  Well, I am still searching.


To add to this, consider a few more facts about Ms. Brown.


James Randi who began investigation paranormal claims, called her out and asked her to prove her abilities in a controlled test. She was seen on Larry King live on September 3, 2001 where she accepted his challenge.  She never took it. Reminds me of the suspect that states he will take a polygraph on national television (Mark Redwine – suspect in the case of his missing son Dylan who has seen been found desceased). He was on Dr. Phil, stated on national television he would in fact take a polygraph, then again, when he returned to the show, he refused to go through with it. 

Why? If you are innocent, or in the case of Silvia, and you stand by your accuracy, come prove the skeptic wrong. But she never did.

Then, as if these failed “predictions” that she charges hundreds for did not do enough to end her lucritive career, did you know that in 1992, Browne and estranged husband Kenzil Dalzell Brown were indicted on several charges of investment fraud and grand theft?

Does this seem like someone that is in touch with a higher power?

 Someone that can predict the future? She should have seen that coming! 

Lets look at  few more details. Let’s look at a couple of her “world predictions”. I even included the link below to look for yourself. But then below that included some highlights of things that were in fact wrong.

Now, if you go review for yourself, there are some predictions that due to just sheer luck or even some possible inside knowledge, may have been accurate. But it would require a lot more research to determine what information she had knowledge of and that would be difficult if not impossible to do. For example, she claims that there will be a new vaccine for aids in 2011. Now I have looked, and all I could find was where studies were being done for a “possible” new vaccine.  Now, how do we know that she did not have some knowledge of this vaccine in the works. And thus, predicting this is nothing more than than reporting what is in the works 

It is safe to say here that there is no way for us to ever know that. So, keep that in mind as you read. Don’t assume that she did not have information already prior to her “prediction”

But look at it as a whole.  The website and a couple of those “predictions” are below.


Predictions for 2012

  • There will be a cure found for M.S.


Predictions for 2011

  • Jennifer Aniston finally finds a permanent romantic partner, a businessman, and gets married.
  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt break up.


Predictions for 2008

  • Jennifer Anniston gets married and pregnant mid-year.
  • Nicole Richie doesn't stay with her current partner, Joel Madden.

 Please keep reading. There is many more. 


****If anyone has any confirmed predictions on her please post it.

But only if it was something she could not have known or had no inside information on. Again to clarify what I mean….. she predicted that Tom and Katie would divorce. Well, if this is the rumor floating around Hollywood, we know that these rumors typically come true. So, the odds were in her favor. So she does not get to claim credit. When, it was at best, a guess based on the simple fact that most celebrity divorce rumors end up coming true. 


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