Saturday, December 7, 2013

Law Enforcement. .. hero's or criminals

Law Enforcement anymore are not the heros they should be.

Sure we still have those that stand true to this profession but more and more we see these very "heros" go to the dark side. Or is it just that criminals are smarter?

But if criminals are smarter, what does that saw about law enforcement?  Especially with the simple fact that most these criminals are drunks, on drugs or often just the random person next door.

Are average peopke outsmarting law enforcement? Drunks, addicts, etc outsmarting law enforcement?

Say it isnt so!

What will our world come to if this continues....

I am just the average person next door. I dont do drugs, and outside of the occasional drink..not a drunk.

Yet I can see past the bullshit and see the true guilt in so many cases that law enforcement just cant seem to bring to justice.

This is a sad predicament.

I mean lets look at a couple cases.

Hanna Anderson...

The supposed kidnap "victim". Law enforcement has closed this case out. Stand by the initial view that she is nothing more than a victim.

Now for those out there that keep stating she was just a "child" needs to watch a little more news. A teenager in Colorado raped and killed a little girl then cut her up and stored some of her body parts in his home. But I guess she's innocent because hes just a teenager?

Hannah posted a photo while in Hollywood (a trip she took with her kidnappper alone) and followed the photo up with #goodbye #hollywood #hello #river. Interesting that she she did next go to the  "river" with this kidnapper.

Her excuse for the 13 calls to him before the murders w
(Or texts) were just because as she stated "he didn't know the address or what - like, where I was. So I had to tell him the address and....." was such a HUGE LIE. That man was at all her games and practices and often drove her to school. Yet she says she needed 13 texts to communicate and address and LE finds that answer acceptable?

And lets not forget she states she was drugged and did did not wake until she reached Idaho despite the highway patrol cameras showing she was awake. Yet law enforcement I guess she no contradiction there? That she claims she was unconscious during the murders until arriving in Idaho is not anything that needs to be questioned. 

And then there is the statements that he told her if she tried to get help he would kill her.. then tells us at the river he tried to start a fire to "signal for help". WTF. And law enforcement does not find this disturbing?

Good job San Diego law enforcement.  A stupid teenage girl has outsmarted you. Your citizens should feel safe.

And then there is Scotland Yard. Now I can not figure this out, but they are sure stand fiercely behind Gerry and Kate McCann. But why?

What other case have they stood by like this? Especially a case that is well, not even anywhere close to being in their jurisdiction.  Another country even.


clearly there is a more here. I mean you have parents who chose to leave babies (2 and 3 year olds ARE BABIES) alone in their holiday room.

WtF? This is acceptable?

Even Nancy Grace who is always critical anytime a parent lacks judgment has failed to address this on her show.

What is really going on?

This is NEVER acceptable.  Its dangerous. Period. No one told them this was safe and they to this day feel no remorse or guilt over this horribleen choice.

Gerry Mccann even stated that being at that Tapas bar was like being in your garden (backyard for those of us in America) but this walk took 1.5 minutes. Bullshit Gerry. Its not like being in your backyard. Maybe the backyard of your neighbor 7 houses down. I walked 1.5 minutes from my front door and ended up down 7 houses.


But please Scotland Yard waste your tax payers money and protect these horrible people. You should be proud. You too have been out smarted.  Or worse. ?.. doOn you have your own evil skeletons and have been forced to keep up their charade. Or maybe you too are profiting????  I mean their sham "find Madeleine fund" has brought in millions.... millions that sure as hell are NOT being used to look for their "kidnapped" daughter. 

But please protect them. Thats a good use of tax payers money.  Who cares about homeless, starving childen.. Gerry and Kate need you to keep this sham alive.

You should be proud.


Then there is the super duper law enforcement in Texas.

Hailey Dunn disapeared yet so much evidence and no arrests...

Such as....

Moms had recently moved in her loser boyfriend who had recently threatened her life.

Poor Hailey tells her grandmother she is scared of his freak.

Mom and boyfriend are heaving drug users...

Mom and boyfriend lie about the boyfriend being at work all day the day she is last seen.

Both fail polygraphs.

Neither spend a moment searching and in fact a couple days after sge disappearsyou have a new years eve party.

Law enforcement finds child porn and beastility in your room.

And mommy speaks of Hailey in PAST TENSE?????

So despite the fact that child porn alone is a crime and that alome should have had them both prosecuted, they walk free. Then they find poor Haileys body along the path Shawns cell phone pinged the day je lied and stated he was at work....

But what, you domt have evidence to prosecute?

So again WTF law enforcement.

You can npt tell me these loser drug addict child porn lovers outsmarted you. So what, do we have another case of law enforcement that has their own demons so they can not pursue mommy dearest and her peice of shit boyfriend?

Just sad. That law enforcement is on the wrong side of the law.

You loose your hero badges. You are criminals who are too cowardly to be honest and instead hide behind the badge.

You childhood selves should be so proud.

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