Monday, October 14, 2013

Abraham and Andrea Yates....

Now, I have said before, I don’t just blindly accept anything just because.
I was a difficult child for this reason because I often, rather than just conform, would ask why.
Much to the frustration of my great grandmother, who put god and the 700 club above all else. Including her money. I mean these "preachers" needed to keep up their extravagant lifestyle "in the name of god". 
Now, I understand, being that she was born in 1905, that she was raised in a different time. That she was raised with religion. Where I was not. My mother was more spiritual. Astrology was more the norm in my house and she had several friends that did astrology professionally. And to be honest, what I do know about god and the bible was either told to me outside church or I learned on my own out of curiosity.
Now I often butted heads with my great grandmother. Because I refused to just accept the bible as the truth, and well, god as existing.. Well, at least the way the bible portrayed him.
Now, I have waivered from my current belief that there is not in fact a god at times. Mainly I never felt the bible was reality. It made no sense and was a contradiction in every way. 

And so where I believed at times, there was a “higher power” I just felt that no one on this planet knew for sure. And let's admit one thing for sure, no one walking this planet knows. And so to preach it (or rather force) this belief on me....  just made no logical sense at all.
Still it does not.  
Now I will admit, that there was one story really, that forever changed my views. 
I was staying with my great grandmother on vacation. And as expected, she was again, pushing “her god” on me. In fact, she presented me with a gift to help me SEE THE LIGHT! The Children’s Bible. 


Now, I will admit, I did not sit down and promptly and read it from front to back. In fact, I didn’t touch it for some time. It was not until I sat there pondering the reality of god, that I decided to read. With the intention, of proving my view. Which I often do. But I can not prove my view, until I know theirs.  
That gift was a mistake.
When I got to the section on Abraham…. It took me a moment to really understand what I was reading. Had god just ORDERED this man, to kill his child?
"Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah.  Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you."  (Genesis 22:1-18) 
Well, I think he just did.
Now, I recall confronting my grandmother with this. I was FURIOUS! She had spent years telling me that god was good, love all creatures (and more of that bs that was really nothing more than her just repeating the same crap pushed on her) and that I had to worship him or would go to hell.

Hell. Where god would make sure I burned for eternity because I choose not to believe in this magical all loving god who was on some power trip and felt he had the right to make you kill your son. 
And despite her "god is good, god is great" rant.... here I was reading what could only be described as evil. 

I would not care if god came from the sky and told me to kill my son. Sorry but you can go fuck yourself. Seriously! 

I have used this one section many times in my life to defend my beliefs. And what has always amazed me was how many people, can hear that and still say “god is love”. It as if they have been so engrained to believe they really will "burn for eternity" that they are terrified to question all the bullshit inside. 
And good, assuming the bible was truth.... No, hes really not!
And their response was always that he was only testing him. Well, that changes EVERYTHING. It was just a test. Now we can all just forget the fact that I was expected to murder my child! Ok, were cool now, 
So, for those that still, even with all the logic in the world, can stand by god as love, knowing that, I have an expectation of you. 
Unless in the case I am about to mention, you can  honestly say “maybe he did”.
Then, you can not say the bible is fact. Because, you do not know. 
I am talking about Andrea Yates.
Andrea Yates, mother of 5 from Texas who methodically killed each of her 5 children. One at a time. 
Then, claimed “god made me do it”
Ok, now I would love to hear your rebuttal.
 How can you say that God told Abraham to kill his son. But that God did NOT tell Andrea to kill her children.
Logic only people!  
Do not waste time with responses that make no logical sense. In fact, a guy I dated once, respond to me with “well, she was crazy”. He had nothing else. I was right. He is justifying this insane idea in the bible, but in real life.... It's not possible?!? 

When I asked him, how he knew this. And how he knew God did not.
He responded again with the same thing “well, cause she is crazy”.
 So dumb ass, you just proved me right. You are not a cep ring that god instructed her to do this. I guess it's only "real" if it's in the bible. 
So understand, I do not see that as any reason why he can believe that the bible is fact. That God did tell Abraham, but god would not have told Andrea Yates the same thing. 

Sure God stopped Abraham, but maybe with Andrea he felt she needed to go all the way. Or if I can be sarcastic for a moment, maybe she  just didn’t hear him tell her "oh way Nevermind APril fools!

Yah, its as absurd as the notion that a loving god would order a man to kill his own child.
Sorry, I am not buying it.
If you choose to blindly believe... Really... A book, with out a single fact.... Well, I guess that why this world is such a mess. 
And I have to ask this. 
So if god was real, and he created life. Well, before he created life, human life,  what heck was he doing? 
And why did he create life? 

Was he just bored? I mean people are quote interesting. 

These are serious questions! 

I mean, we are expected to just believe. 
But do we even know why?
And since we don't, why exactly are you will to continue to "worship". Did it ever occur to you that the years in church, years praying.... Were just a total waste of your time??

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