Sunday, October 13, 2013

Michael Jackson, child molester?

Yes he is! 

What amazes me is despite the number of claims and the fact this man has never said “I did not do it” (I would never harm a child is not a denial if he considers this love), he continues to have supporters. Millions of them. 

In fact, even entire blogs dedicated to supporting his innocence. 

But hey in their defense, they were not the ones molested. 

Let’s put them I those children’s shoes that were and see how supportive they were. 

Now I will say this, I think he is deeply ashamed of it. On some level. 

But not enough to stop. But I do attribute  that to what I believe was a lifetime of both physical and sexual abuse that also led him to feel uneasy with himself. And statistics show that typically kids who were molested, do the same as adults. Especially when the abuse last for many years vs a one time event. 

I also think that the extreme abuse Michael suffered, led him to feel no sexual attraction to adults. Only fear. 

Yes, he married Lisa Presley but if you buy that as a real adult marriage then you are clearly oblivious. I actually believe the entire thing was an arrangement that they hoped would "help” Michael appear like a “normal” man, and for Lisa to get some much needed publicity for that record career she tried to launch… I would however bet that marriage was never consummated. 

And well the whole thing failed. Even the "sexy" music video felt akward and forced. 

Despite the allegations, this sham of a wedding and constant sleep overs with little boys.. to this day he has supporters! Even in his death. 

But then people follow crazy people claiming to be god.. Even to their death. 

So there will always be the easily manipulated folks. And as long as they exist, these criminals will continue to walk free. 

Your failure to simply pay attention is what allows these people to continue… 

And if you are one of those supporters reading this.....ask yourself a question.

If you lived next door to a 45 year old man who invited your child's over for sleep overs and to "play" what would you do? Would you pack them a bag or would you immediately be concerned. I am hoping you said you would be concerned. Otherwise CPS seriously needs to come to your home!

So assuming we don't need to call CPS and your first thought was concern. Then you just faced some reality.

Just because he sings for a living does not change anything. 45 year old me who invite young boys over to play and sleep are not normal and are not to be trusted.

And sure, most the families settled. But imagine going up against a man who is not only known and supported around the world, he can hire the best attorneys. I think the parents felt rather than drag the kids through a long trial where they would likely have to relive their horrible experiences, they took the money. 

And if you still have not swayed your views, let's look at 2 more facts.

1. One of the children described Michael's genitals in great detail. From what I have read...the child was correct. Michael having that skin disorder, I have read that it was likely he had discoloration there as well making identification in that manner very easy. Where any other man, I think it would be hard to prove. And had it NOT matched, it would have again been a pretty easy case for Michael to win. But he instead choose to make the family a very large payout.

2. Then my final thing is something I discovered just yesterday. I had read a couple blogs supporting Michaels innocence (I do consider both sides so I am educated before jumping to a conclusion) and in fact, one of the sites used  Macaulay Culkin's support as part of why Michael is innocent.

What was interesting, while I initially just thought that maybe Michael was just not attracted to MaCualay or it was also possible that his parents were more involved I their relationship. And to be fair, I have an uncle that molested 2 of my cousins, yet never laid ah and on me. But, I was also raised to be strong willed and I would have absolutely told. My cousins never did. 

And they say most child molestors usually learn who they can manipulate. And when you consider the fact that most parents, regardless of Michaels fame and money would NEVER NEVER NEVER all their children to sleep over and most certainly not in his bed. 

So let me get back on track. So back to MaCually... Now if you have not read my blog about statement analysis or not familiar with it, I recommend learning. Then go read the court transcripts when he testified. MaCually says several things that have lead me to believe he either was actually molested or was aware of other cases where Michael molested other children. And not only does the FBI believe there was evidence to support that, MaCually's poor relationship with his parents usually leads to kids that are, as I mentioned above, easily manipulated. 

So as I read the transcripts, I learned something quote alarming. Michael had an alarm that alerted him to anyone entering his bedroom suite. Now ask yourself why any one would need to be alerted that someone was about to enter your room. If that does not support him being a child molestor, then, well you are the type that sees fame and money and will always look the other way.

Just remember, one of these days you could find yourself victimized. Remember that as you stand in support of a man that has caused a lifetime of trauma to these kids. 

Stop believing the obvious lies. It should not matter if they are famous.

A 45 year old man should not have regular sleep overs with boys. That is not normal.

And again, he never flat out denied the allegations by saying "I did not molest <insert name>. He has stated many things but never the obvious response a normal adult would say in the same situition.

And one last thing, one of his other victims has come out. Wade.. Michael is no longer alive so you can not say he is after money. That is also an extremely difficult thing, especially for men, to admit.

Michael fits the profile for a child molestor and his behavior with children was always extremely innapropriate. 

And to have an alarm to warn you that someone was about to enter your room? 

If you are reading this and still think he is innocent, you are clearly are blind by fame and can not see the clear reality.

I hope you never have kids. You the type of person that would gladly drop your child off and allow him to sleep in bed with a 45 year old man.

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